All posts by Bob Lipski



Local Comics Week is a chance to show off local and independent talent.
Other cities besides Minneapolis have organized their own events
nationwide, and have even joined forces to create Indy Comic Week
( which is aiming to do what we
have all set out to do with our event.

Our event is changing a bit. The Source Comics and Games in Roseville, MN
( is participating in Indy Comics Week and
after a few discussions with Nick, the organizer of their event, we have
decided to join forces and allow our event to be folded into Indy Comics

What does this mean? Quite a lot, actually.

Big Brain Comics is stepping out of the event, and our comics will now be
sold at the Source. Nick is also preparing for a signing event for
participating artists.

So, here is what you need to know:

-I will no longer be collecting the comics that you would like to submit
for the event. Instead, any material (mini comics, zines, trade
paperbacks, graphic novels) must be brought to the Source between December
21 and December 26th. Mind they will likely have shorter hours on
Christmas Eve and closed on Christmas. The nice thing is that the Source
WANTS to purchase your hard worked creations. How much they will purchase
items for, quantity, etc is up to the Source.

Remember, what you bring to the Source does NOT need to be new material!

-The material will be put out on the racks on Sunday December 27th and will
remain there until January 2nd.

-Wednesday, December 30th is the BIG event. The Source will be hosting a
signing for indy cartoonists. Space IS limited. In order to be a guest at
the signing, you MUST email Nick at the Source with “Attention Nick/Indy
Comis Week in the first line of ‘your message’ to request a spot. The
signing will be 4pm until 8pm.

-You DO NOT have to provide anything to the Source to sell in order to be a
guest at the signing.

-You DO NOT have to be a guest at the Source in order to sell them your

That’s about it. If there is anything you want to know, please email me (bob(at)


textDecember 27th – January 2nd will be….LOCAL COMICS WEEK!
Diamond Distribution, the biggest (and pretty much only) comics distributor will be taking a long winter’s nap that week and will not be shipping new comics…leaving comic fans without their weekly fix.
But not to worry, because as with a lot of comics, there are heroes to count on!  Those heroes,  ladies and gentlemen, are  US!
We will create and sell our own comics and provide the city with comic books and save the planet once and for all! 
Here’s the plan:  Big Brain Comics has generously allowed the Conspiracy to take over their New Release racks for the week.  Customers who are looking for their weekly comics will be introduced to the world of  local comics.

Here’s the info: If you want to participate, have 20 copies of a mini comic printed by DECEMBER 3RD.  You can bring your comics to the jam that month or you can arrange to have them mailed to me by contacting me at  bob (at) The mini comic should have a cover price of $3.   Consignment details are still being worked out. 

The comics will be delivered to Big Brain on December 28th
and will go on sale the next day on December 30th (new comic day!)
The comics will be on sale until January 5th.   Any money made will be able to be picked up January’s jam on the 7th. 
If you want to participate, please contact me by NOVEMBER 15th. 

Thanks to Kevin Cannon for creating the logo for the event!