All posts by Nicholas Straight

Imaginary Friends Submission!

Hello my fellow cartoonists! I’m organizing a mini-comic anthology for an art show in early June. It is open to anyone; feel free to submit!

Submission Specifications:

Theme: Imaginary Friends

Just classic black & white or gray-scale.

1-4 pages.

The deadline for submissions is Thursday, May 5th

If possible please send a bitmap or a tiff with a resolution of at least 300 dpi to me electronically. If you do not have access to a scanner, I can do the honors for you. Keep in mind your comic will be reduced down to a 5.5×8.5 half page mini-comic format. Please include the name you would like associated with your submission, the title (if any), and any blog or contact information for the table of contents.

Your comic can be emailed to me at: any time before the deadline, or dropped off at Diamonds Coffee Shoppe during the Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy jam on May 5th from 6pm to 10pm. Each person that makes a submission will get one free copy of the anthology.

The anthology will have a print run of a 100 copies. It will be on sale at the opening reception of The Imaginary Friends art show on Friday, June 3rd at Infinitea Teahouse in Minneapolis from 7pm to 11pm. A “formal” facebook event will be created at a later date and will feature information on the artists included in the show and anthology.

The remaining issues will be distributed throughout most of the Twin Cities’ comic retail stores. As a bonus any proceeds of the sales will go back to the Cartoonist Conspiracy in the form of a pizza party at the Minneapolis Jam in July!

Thanks everyone,
Nick Straight