Category Archives: News

Swingin’ Hits anthology now available

Swingin’ Hits by Anne Thalheimer, Bill Couture, Blake Parker, Chris Grotke, Colin Tedford, Colleen Frakes, Daniel Barlow, Jade Harmon, Jennifer Omand, Kathie Mullen, Keith Moriarty, Marek Bennett, Marianne R. Petit, Matt Levin, Tim Hulsizer.

The fourth Trees & Hills anthology is themed around music, from the powerful memories that music can conjure to the joy in creating it and performing before an audience. Includes a bonus audio CD of music by cartoonists! (namely Jennifer Omand & Matt Talbot, Lucy Knisley, Marek Bennett, Keith Moriarty, James Kochalka, Chris Grotke, Tim Hulsizer, Cayetano Garza, and Colin Tedford.) Edited by Daniel Barlow & Colin Tedford. Cover by Gregory Giordano.

5.5″ x 8.5″, 52 pgs. Available now for $5.00 at Trees & Hills Comics Distro!

It’s official, Cupcakes have Jumped the Shark!

Cupcake Jumped the Shark
Based on the fun we had creating the Fail flickr set, I’ve created a new flickr group with a whole new meme. Cupcakes Have Jumped the Shark is an open group for anyone to post illustrations of cupcakes jumping over sharks. Any style is accepted, but color illustrations are preferred. So far 9 artists have contributed, and a few of them were even drawn at our most recent Cartoonist Conspiracy in SF. Continue reading It’s official, Cupcakes have Jumped the Shark!

Please Help Promote Lutefisk Sushi

I’m happy to report that it sounds like we are going to be getting a lot of press coverage for the Lutefisk Sushi show opening this Friday. I’ll be posting links to all the press I see here… if you see any coverage, please let us know about it.

Let’s make this the best attended Sushi show yet (the last two were both packed houses). You can help promote the show! If you are participating in the show… please, feel obligated to do so!

Here are some suggestions:

  • Grab one of the banners at the bottom of this post and put it on your websites, blogs, social networking sites, and message boards you frequent with a link to the Sushi site.
  • Write about the upcoming show and your preparations for it on your websites, blogs, social networking sites, and message boards you frequent with a link to the Sushi site.
  • Pick up some of our postcards at Altered Esthetics and distribute them.
  • Know reporters? Hit them up for a story. Here is the press release. Here are high-resolution images they can download.
  • Most importantly: TELL YOUR FRIENDS in person or via phone or email and tell them to spread the word.



Additionally, we bombarded folks at MicroCon with postcards and information about the show this weekend… I think we are going to be in really good shape for getting the word out. BUT PLEASE HELP!!! Thanks!


In addition to our usual antics, we will be distributing LUTEFISK SUSHI ‘C’ boxes to contributors at our monthly jam meeting this Thursday.

Boxes may also be picked up Friday May 2nd at the LUTEFISK SUSHI ‘C’ opening at Altered Esthetics, but this is your chance to get one a day early, read it, and then have something to talk about at the opening (not that cartoonists are socially backwards and NEED something pre-planned to talk about… but it helps).

Sadly, if you didn’t contribute you’ll have to wait until Friday to buy a box of your own (less than a hundred available to the public!).

So come on by, pick up your box, then stay around and draw for a while.

The Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy meets at 6:30 until 10:00 the first Thursday of every month at Diamond’s Coffee Shoppe in Northeast.

Generally, we draw collaborative “jam” comics, socialize and drink caffeinated beverages. Afterwords, we often have uncaffeinated beverages somewhere else.

The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are posted here sooner or later (and sometimes even printed).

Diamond’s Coffee Shoppe
1618 Central Avenue Northeast
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Bus info here.

Please spend some money at Diamond’s while you’re there, even if it is just a cuppa coffee… they are excellent hosts, and we wanna stay welcome there.

Big Time Attic

Big Time Attic hosts our monthly jam meetings at Diamond’s… they will be supplying us with a big old plate of pastries or something. Thanks fellas!

New Free Comic! TWIG #1

I’m pleased to announce the launch of TWIG, the new free monthly comic I’m putting together as part of the Trees & Hills Comics Group. Every month a new sheet of paper covered with with local comics will appear, as if by magic, around Vermont, New Hampshire, and western Massachusetts – and of course the internet. It is excitingly decentralized – anyone can download it from the website to print and distribute! Check out the first issue at

Sunday Comix February Gallery Shows

That’s right! Sunday Comix members’ artwork will on display during the month of February at TWO gallery shows:

“Komics @ Kerouac” is a Sunday Comix specific show featuring members Matt & Ellen Wyatt, Ray Tomczak, Max Ink and others’ framed art on display as well as their books for sale all thru the month of February at the Kafé Kerouac (2250 N. High St. Columbus). Kafé hours are Mon-Fri, 8am to 11pm, Sat, 10am to 11pm, and Sun, Noon to 10pm. The opening reception will be held at the Kafé on Friday, Feb 1 from 7-11p.

A few members of the Sunday Comix group will also be participating in the National Cartoonists Society, Great Lakes Chapter sponsored show, “LAUGHS AT LAKESIDE” at the High Road Gallery (12 E Stafford Ave, Worthington) from January 30 to February 23. Gallery hours are Wed-Fri, 12-4pm and Sat, 11:30am-4pm. Sunday Comix will be hosting a Comix Jam during the Opening Reception on Sunday, February 3, 2:00 – 4:00 pm.

5 Highlights of 5 Years of The International Cartoonist Conspiracy

It’s somewhat difficult to believe five years have already passed since our first monthly jam meeting in Minneapolis in December 2002… it still seems like we are just getting started. Five years!

The first meeting was pretty small, but awfully promising for a first meeting… my recollection is that Danno Klonowski (Dank), Ken Avidor, Mike Toft, Andy Singer and Roger Lootine were all there. Organized initially via flyers posted around Minneapolis and a much less ambitious version of this website, the Conspiracy has grown exponentially, and we now have 21 cells around North America in ALBERT LEA, MN, CALGARY/EDMONTON, CHICAGO, IL, DECORAH, IA, KANSAS CITY, MO, LANCASTER, PA, MILWAUKEE, WI, MINNEAPOLIS, MN, MONTREAL, NH, VT, and Western MA, NORTH CAROLINA, PHILADELPHIA, PA, RICE, MN, SACRAMENTO, CA, SAN FRANCISCO, CA, SANTA FE/ALBUQUERQUE, NM, SIOUX FALLS, SD, SPRINGFIELD, IL, SPRINGFIELD, MO, ST. PAUL, MN, and, as of this week, COLUMBUS, OH!

(Note: any cartoonist anywhere can start a cell)

Besides getting together to draw jam comics the first Thursday of the month in Minneapolis (and many other times and places around North America), we do a lot of other things. I thought I’d take this opportunity to go over some highlights from the last five years. Please share your personal highlights from the history of the Conspiracy in the comments, if you have any to share! My memories are obviously Minneapolis focused, since that is where I live… I’d love to hear more about things that have happened with our other cells.

Highlight #1: 24 Hour Comics Day

The Conspiracy in Minneapolis has participated in three of the 24 Hour Comics Days organized by Nat Gertler that have occurred to date (in 2006 we celebrated on a different weekend due to the date conflicting with FallCon), with many of the people participating continuing to do it each year. Doing a 24 hour comic is a unique learning experience that every cartoonist should try at least once, I think… it is pretty amazing to see what can be accomplished with the right attitude and environment in 24 hours. Doing it in a group is a whole lot more fun than doing it alone, so I’m thankful that we’ve had so many people enthusiastic to participate for the last 4 years in Minneapolis.

The first year was crazy… we had 12 participants at two locations. 24 Hour Comics are the equivalent of extreme sports or flagpole sitting for cartoonists, and we made it ridiculously extra-difficult on ourselves the first year. First of all we had two locations… we started today at a rented space at a downtown hotel, and halfway through, we deliriously moved from there to Grumpy’s bar. Even dumber than that, though… I decided that since April 24th was 24 Hour Comics Day that year, we should draw from midnight to midnight, so most of us had little or no sleep starting after working all day Friday. I have no idea what I was thinking. On top of all of that and printing all of the completed comics the next morning as an almost 200 page book at Kinkos to sell at MicroCon the next day, it was really 48 Hour Comics Day in Minneapolis.

Astoundingly, some really good comics were still produced, including Kevin Cannon‘s fantastic first 24 Hour comic, The Next 24 Hours. Kevin since then has gone on to pioneer the 288 Hour Comic (a 24 hour comic once a month for a year, to make a 288 page graphic novel), and in the process has most likely done more 24 hour comics than anyone else in the world. He is currently done with over 288 pages of Far Arden, and it will easily be one of the best graphic novels of the year next year when it is published.

In subsequent years, we have continued our practice of collecting the comics after the event… now we use the much easier box set method. This is the first year we haven’t collected them the day after the event… we must be getting old.

Above, a group shot of the participating Conspirators from 2004 at the end of the day… Top (L to R) Kevin Cannon (finished) , David Steinlicht (finished) Middle (L to R) Danno Klonowski (Dank) (finished), Steven Stwalley (finished), Adam Wirtzfeld (finished), Sean Tenhoff (finished), Doc Popular (finished) Bottom (L to R) Antonio Campion (not finished Eastman Variation) , Damian Sheridan (not finished Eastman Variation), Ken Avidor (finished) Not shown: Sam Hiti (finished), Fang Langford (not finished)

Year one coverage by Shad Petosky (April 24, 2004): part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4

Year two (April 24-25, 2005) (coverage again by Shad Petosky).

Year three (September 23-24, 2006). (Note that this one didn’t occur on the actual date of 24 Hour Comics Day, so it was actually a >23 and <25 Hour comic event)

Year four coverage (October 20th to 21st) by David Steinlicht.

Highlight #2: Lutefisk Sushi Volume A and B

Above, Mike Toft navigates the packed house at the Lutefisk Sushi Volume A show at Creative Electric Studios.

We have done two Lutefisk Sushi shows so far, and both of them have been tremendous successes by any gauge (Lutefisk Sushi Volume C will be happening this May at Altered Esthetics). Both events centered around an enormous box set of mini-comics produced by Minnesota cartoonists.

The first one had 36 comics in it, the second had 52… both boxes were filled to bursting with beautiful handmade mini-comics. The box sets both had accompanying gallery shows at the wonderful Northeast Minneapolis gallery Creative Electric Studios. In addition to the work displayed on the walls by all the cartoonists in the box, the shows both had a featured artist who showed off artistic highlights from their career (Vincent Stall (King Mini) for Volume A and Ken Avidor for Volume B). Each show earned over $1000 for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. You can read more about the two events on the websites for them:

Lutefisk Sushi Volume A Website

Lutefisk Sushi Volume B Website

Highlight #3: The Schmapples Tribute

Our comrade Eric "Schmapples" Lappegard tragically passed away from complications after a car accident in July 2007, leaving behind considerable medical expenses. In a little over a month, we (along with some of Eric’s other friends) put together a benefit show for Eric’s family at Altered Esthetics. We had a gallery show featuring an overview of much of Eric’s wonderful work, as well as work by cartoonists who wanted to help. In addition to the show we printed two publications… a complete collection of Eric’s online strip Schmapples, and a 100 page anthology of strips by cartoonists who knew Eric or just wanted to help. The theme for the anthology was bikes, cats and ninjas… all subjects dear to Eric. The show ended up making over $4000 for Eric’s family.

The Conspiracy has done a lot of work I’ve been proud to be a part of… I’ve never been prouder of our group than with our work done for this benefit.

Highlight #4: The Publications

Miscellaneous Conspiracy Publications

Looking back, I can hardly believe how much the Minneapolis cell has published in the last five years…

Panelfesto V.1 #1: The Journal of The International Cartoonist Conspiracy (October 2003, collection of jam comics from the Minneapolis cell of the Cartoonist Conspiracy)

Panelfesto V.1 #1: The Journal of The International Cartoonist Conspiracy

24 Hours (April 2004, collects 9 24-Hour comics from 24 Hour Comics Day 2004)

24 Hours 2004

Includes (in the below order):

Mermzy by Danno Klonowski (Dank)

The Rupture by Ken Avidor

The Next 24 Hours by Kevin Cannon

Dish Dog by Adam Wirtzfeld

24 Hours With Trog by Doctor Popular

How the Square Fell in Love With the Triangle by Sean Tenhoff

24 Hours by Steven Stwalley

Cleaning My Work Area by David Steinlicht

Panelfesto V.1 #2: (2004, collection of jam comics from the Minneapolis cell of the Cartoonist Conspriacy)

Panelfesto V.1 #2

Lutefisk Sushi Volume A (September 2004, Box Set of 35 Mini-Comics, box design by Vincent Stall (King Mini), limited edition of 100 numbered copies, produced for the Lutefisk Sushi Volume A event)

Lutefisk Sushi Volume A (closed)

Lutefisk Sushi Volume A (open)

Includes (in alphabetical order by artist):

A Twin Cities Christmas Carol by Ken Avidor

As if Moved by a Divine Hand: The Stories and Art of Kevin Cannon and Sam Fellman by Kevin Cannon and Sam Fellman

Why it’s the Foxy Chick by Zander Cannon

From Under A Rug by Jarilyn Fahrendorff

A Star Story by Andrey Feldshteyn

naked by Peter Gaustad

Untitled scroll by Geoff Hamerlinck

The Gallows Noose by Sam Hiti

Stop the Clock Productions Warns You Beware of the Veebling With Free Time and No Ride by Renata

A Staplegenius Comic Starring Monster Pig-Face Boy and His Half Brother Roger Pig-Face Van Buren by Danno Klonowski (Dank)

Blues by Maxeem Konrardy

Why is it Always So Sunny? by Tonya Kuxhausen

Uptown Girl #16 by Bob Lipski

Residue Comics #8 by Roger Lootine

Bigfoot Comix #3 by Doug McNamara

Mox Nix Minicomix #1 by Doug McNamara

Gimpy Cat Falls in Love by Anna Petosky

The Blue Box by Shad Petosky

Low Blow #4 by Aaron Poliwoda

Sedentary Life by Anna Pratt

Avec Tout Mon Amour #1 1/3 by Quillan Roe

Sauce by Zak Sally and Mr. Mike Haeg

Placebo Addiction by Jason Sandberg

The Judas Cradle Act I Scene I by Damian Sheridan

No Exit by Andy Singer

All Small #7 by David Steinlicht

Nicknames by Steven Stwalley (includes "distortoscope")

Raking Leaves by David Tea

Absurd #1 by Sean Tenhoff

Lucy & Cornelius Part 1 by Sean Tenhoff

Brain Food #10 by Mike Toft

Captain Fantasy by Lonny Unitus

Do You Have the Runs by Brett VonSchlosser

CoffeeShop Metaphysics by Dwayne Williams

Sister Elizabeth Kenny by Adam Wirtzfeld

Panelfesto V.1 #2 by The Minneapolis Cell of the International Cartoonist Conspiracy

Lutefisk Sushi Volume A Show postcard

Panelfesto #3: Jam Packed (2005, 4 16-page mini-comics, wrapped in red band, limited edition of 200)

Panelfesto V.1 #3: Jam Packed (closed)

Panelfesto V.1 #3: Jam Packed (open)

24 Hour Comic Day: 24 Hours 24 Pages: A Comics Marathon 2005 (April 2005, Box Set of 24-Hour Mini-Comics from from 24 Hour Comics Day 2005, Box cover by Zander Cannon, limited edition of 100)

24 Hour Comic Day 2005 Box (closed)

24 Hour Comic Day 2005 Box (open)

Includes (in alphabetical order by artist):

The Rupture by Ken Avidor

Armitage Shanks: Arctic Pirate "Exit Strategy" by Kevin Cannon

The Curse of the Silver Cobra by Zander Cannon

Adequate Comix by Troy Cummings

BOOM by Andy DeVore

The 24 Hours & More Before the 24 Hour Comic Event by Craig Ede

Staplegenius 24 Hour Comic Day 2005 by Danno Klonowski (Dank)

Free as a Bird by Eric Lappegard

The Secret of Hamble House by Nathan Lauster

Tartpop by Phil Redmon

R. Escobar by Tone Redmon

24 Hour Comic Day: Walk by Quillan Roe

FUCK by Sean Tenhoff

Define Random by Scott Williams

24 Hour Comic by David Steinlicht

Good Friends by Shane Stevenson

Skull Lover by Steven Stwalley

Start Living by Adam Wirtzfeld

Mission Accomplished: The Minneapolis and Rice, MN Losing Entries to the Comics Jam War (April 2006, comics produced for the Comics Jam War event)

Mission Accomplished

Includes (in published order):

TEAM: BIG TIME ATTIC– STRIKE FORCE BRAVO TANGO ALPHA (Zander Cannon, Maxeem Konrardy, Tim Sievert, Brett VonSchlosser)

TEAM: CROWBEASTS (Nik Arnoldi, Stef Davis, Vanesa Littlecrow Wojtanowicz)

TEAM: TEUZEL KATZEN (Sarah Brace, Triton Stelflug, Kevin Wind)

TEAM: STANK! and the ROE FAMILY CARTOONISTS (Danno Klonowski (Dank), Bob Lipski, Quillan Roe, Sean Tenhoff)

TEAM: BIG TIME ATTIC– FIGHTING HELLCATS (Kevin Cannon, Shad Petosky, Brittney Sabo, Jon White)

TEAM: PIECEMEAL (Eric Lappegard, Andy Sturdivant)

TEAM: GERIATRIC (Ken Avidor, David Steinlicht, Steven Stwalley, Mike Toft)

Lutefisk Sushi Volume B (September 2006, Box Set of 50 Mini-Comics, box design by Ken Avidor, limited edition of 150 numbered copies, produced for the Lutefisk Sushi Volume B event)

Lutefisk Sushi Volume B (closed)

Lutefisk Sushi Volume B (open)


Yuck! It’s Sticky: Coffee Stain Comicks by Nik Arnoldi

Avidor Roast/Weiner Roast by Ken Avidor and various (see below)

Strange Isle by Curtis Square Briggs

The Allegory by James Campbell

Victoria by Kevin Cannon

He Becomes Who Kills Him by Zander Cannon

The Inevitable Everett by Steven Carlyle

Tatorvengers #141 by Gail Catheryn (Galideous)

Sun Fish by Christopher Coffey

40 Year Baby by Andy DeVore

Habitual Entertainment by Will Dinski

Hello Goodbye by Andrey Feldshteyn

True Skylab Stories by Dan Frye

Hard Brew by Michael Furious

I’m Crazy About Him by Jesse Haller

Vampire Theory by Tim Jennen

Scoring by Cathy Johnson (Kafu)

South Paw Swede "Rogue’s Gallery" by Danno Klonowski (Dank)

Angry by Nichole Klonowski (Chloe)

In Like a Lion Out Like a Lamb by Nichole Klonowski (Chloe)

The Brown Blood by Maxeem Konrardy

DFL by Eric Lappegard

ID*OT 2* DUELS by Seamus Leonard

Uptown Girl: The Lutefisk Sushi Special by Bob Lipski

Bigfoot Comix #10: I am a Winner by Doug McNamara

Spud Stories of My Pappy by Suzanne Murphy

Browns by Rita Panton

Lutefisk Sushi: Crisis of the Infantile Arts by Shad Petosky

Coffeehouse Redemption by Rana Raeuchle

Cartoon Man in Why Do Today What Can Wait til Tomorrow by Charles Raymond

Everything is Great, Really by Aaron Ridgeway

Untitled by Quillan Roe

Deerdog by Brittney Sabo

Sven Svenson, Anthropologist in Troll Love by David Sandberg

The Christmas Visitor by Jason Sandberg

The Last Supper or Poslední Vecere by Jenny Schmid

Unrest: Judas Cradle Volume 2 by Damian Sheridan

Painted Thoughts by Sierra-Fern

Kanary Kid by Tim Sievert

No Exit by Andy Singer

Untitled by Vincent Stall (King Mini)

All Small #8 by David Steinlicht

Everything I Knew About Minneapolis Before I Moved Here by Andy Sturdevant

Soapy the Chicken #1 by Steven Stwalley

Fuckin’ Nasty by Sean Tenhoff

Brain Food #11 by Mike Toft

The Crazy Adventures of Randy & Chirpy #1 by Lonny Unitus

Bless These Golden Idiotic Years by Brett VonSchlosser

Guy Dublin by Jon White

Slang, Comics by Dwayne Williams

Ollie and the Daysleepers by Peter Groynom and Adam Wirtzfeld

Dude Kitt!! All teh Krapp Guyz Knead a Cheep Produkct by K. Skull Induxtrees by Vanesa Littlecrow Wojtanowicz

Weiner Roast/Avidor Roast (September 2006, produced in conjunction with the Lutefisk Sushi Volume B event, collecting comics by and about Ken Avidor aka Ken Weiner, Flip Covers by Ken Avidor)

Weiner Roast/Avidor Roast

Weiner Roast/Avidor Roast


(In order on Weiner Roast Side)

Photos by Rayna Collins

Sour Grapes by Peter Bagge (reprinted from Weirdo #12)

Weiner’s Getting Married… Let’s Have a Bachelor Party to Remember by Bruce Carleton

True Tales of Ken Weiner by John Holmstrom

Sabine and Suzanne Meet Old Man Weiner by Kurt Beaulieu

Weiner by Ken Avidor

(In order on Avidor Roast Side)

Portrait of My Friend, Ken Avidor by David Steinlicht

Burritoville by Kevin Cannon

Untitled by David Paleo

Pumpito by Mark Martin

Roadkill Bill "Goes on a Bender" by Steven Stwalley

Bicycle Enthusiast on the Moon by Andrey Feldshteyn

Road Rage Roscoe by Damian Sheridan

Just What Are People Saying About Ken Avidor? by Sean Tenhoff

Drunk Mayor by Danno Klonowski (Dank)

Ken Avidor by Quillan Roe

Who is Ken Avidor by Andy Singer

Homo Wienerificus by Danny Hellman

The 3rd Annual Conspiracy Less Than 25 but More Than 23 Hour Sequential Art Event (September 2006, Box Set of 24-Hour Mini-Comics from the 3rd Annual Conspiracy Less Than 25 but More Than 23 Hour Sequential Art Event, Box cover by Bob Lipski, limited edition of 100)

24 Hour Comic Day 2006 Box (closed)

24 Hour Comic Day 2006 Box (open)

Includes (in alphabetical order by artist):

Gnrkx & Sznkz in "Everybody’s Skull-Fuckin’" by Ken Avidor

Bone Storm by David Bernardy

You Don’t Mess With a Man’s Hat by Curtis Square Briggs

Hit & Run by James Campbell

A General Theory of Love by Kevin Cannon

The Lost Penguin of Elephant Island by Zander Cannon

The Vengance Machine by Dan Frye

"Sword" by Michael Furious

Phobia: A Totally Unfinished 24-but-Actually-12-Hour Comic by Cathy Johnson (Kafu)

Manly Tales of Cowardice by Danno Klonowski (Dank)

Untitled by Eric Lappegard

Uptown Girl: The Man Who Sold the World by Bob Lipski

Mort by Earl L. Luckes, Jr.

Self-Inflicted Isolation by Mike Owens

Fat Chance Comics Asks Art Thou Ready for the Sausage Fest by Leslie Powell

Cartoonman Goes to Hell by Charles Raymond

Climb Commaptain Confidential by Phil Redmon

Citizen Kidd by Damian Sheridan

Danger Duck by David Steinlicht

Bottomless by Steven Stwalley

Gender Ambiguity by Caitlin Warner

Safehaven by Adam Wirtzfeld

Polska, Sucka! Issue 12 by Vanesa Littlecrow Wojtanowicz

Free The International Cartoonist Conspiracy (2006, 8 page giveaway collection of jam comics)

Free The International Cartoonist Conspiracy

The Cartoonist Conspiracy Li’l Library Volume One: How to Make Mini-Comics (February 2007, 16 page free guide on how to make a mini-comic, downloadable and printable mini-comic pdf here)

24 Hours 2004

City Pages: The Comix Issue (July 18, 2007, Comix issue of Minneapolis newsweekly City Pages, comics on the theme of "True Tales of the Twin Cities" can be seen online here)

City Pages: The Comix Issue

Includes (in alphabetical order by artist):

Art Critics with Badges by Ken Avidor

Roadkill Bill: Citizen Participation by Ken Avidor

A Moment of Beauty by Curtis Square Briggs

Yomanni by Bud Burgy

True Tales of Tenth & Nicollet by Kevin Cannon

True Tales of the Twin Cities by Zander Cannon

I Am Bruce Lee! by Justin "Spanky" Cermak

Dream City by Ryan Dow

Heart by Andrey Feldshteyn

Happy Holidays by Michael Furious

The View from Friday by Ursula Murray Husted

Great Moments in: Seekins Lore by Danno Klonowski (Dank)

Hipster Funnies by Danno Klonowski (Dank)

331 by Maxeem Konrardy

Work in Progress by Matthew Kriske

Birds vs. Bikes by Eric Lappegard

Uptown Girl by Bob Lipski

I Dream of Shinder’s by Earl L. Luckes, Jr.

NE Athletic Field #3 by Kevin McCarthy

Bewilderedkid Comics by Daniel J. Olson

Perils for Poets Down Eat Street by Damian Sheridan

De La Salle vs. Rabbits by Dave Strong

Sid the Rat-Man by Andy Sturdevant

The Mall of America Mandrill by Steven Stwalley

Sunday Bloody Sundae by Scott Tauser

Celebrity Sightings by Mike Toft

Mpls Stories by Dwayne Williams

The Plague Sets In by Sara Witty

The Whittling Madman by Sara Witty

Schmapples by Eric Lappegard (September 2007, memorial collection of Eric Lappegard‘s webcomic Schmapples)

Schmapples by Eric Lappegard

The Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy and Friends Alley Cat: Cats on Bikes (with Ninjas): A Tribute to Eric Lappegard (September 2007, memorial tribute anthology to Eric Lappegard, cover by Roger Lootine)

Alley Cat

Includes (in alphabetical order):


Ken Avidor

Bud Burgy

Kevin Cannon

Christopher Coffey

Cyrus Cords

Will Dinski

Ryan Dow

Cival Einstein

Andrey Feldshteyn

Michael Furious

Naomi Johnson

Loki Kaspari

Danno Klonowski (Dank)

Nichole Klonowski (Chloe)

Maxeem Konrardy

Matthew Kriske

Bob Lipski

Roger Lootine

Gypsy-Maria Lorimer

Earl L. Luckes, Jr.

Kevin McCarthy


Sarah Morean

Anders Nilsen

Daniel J. Olson

Rita Panton

Anna Pratt

Connor Rice

Zak Sally

Jenny Schmid

Damian Sheridan

Tim Sievert

Mark Simonson

Andy Singer

Jon Sloan

David Steinlicht

Dave Strong

Andy Sturdevant

Steven Stwalley

Mike Toft

Brett VonSchlosser

Kevin Wind

Adam Wirtzfeld

Vanesa Littlecrow Wojtanowicz

The International Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco Cell (jam comic by Rio Roth Barreiro, Doctor Popular, Jeff Plotkin, Brian Kolm, Jeffry Mullet, Anthony Gomez, Cindy Chaw and Kraig Rasmussen)

24 Hour Comic Book Day 2007 (October 2007, Box Set of Mini-Comics, Box cover by Danno Klonowski (Dank) (with art by Sean Tenhoff & misc from previous years’ events), limited edition of 100)

24 Hour Comic Day 2007 Box (closed)

24 Hour Comic Day 2007 Box (open)

Includes (in alphabetical order by artist):

Outsourced From Hell! by Ken Avidor

Sloth Force Seven by Kevin Cannon

The Caterpillar Space Force of Robots by Zander Cannon

The Simpson’s Curse by Ryan Dow

A Portrait of the Artist as a Big Dick by James H. Grafsgaard

Surreal Tiki Road Trip by Jennifer Manken

The Origin of Man the Ladybug by Daniel J. Olson

Dear Friends by Mike Sgier

24 Hour Comic Book Day: 33 Participants by David Steinlicht

Moony Moon Where Are You? by Steven Stwalley

Let’s Go to the Roller Derby by Caitlin Warner

Highlight #5: Comrades!

Above, a group shot of most of the Conspirators who participated in Jam War 2006… Avidor, Steinlicht and Toft had already wisely hit the bar…

It’s amazing what can be accomplished with the right group of people, and I think the Conspiracy is definitely a testament to that. For me, our numerous accomplishments are not the best part of being in the Conspiracy, though. Far and away the biggest highlight for me in being a member of the Conspiracy is all the wonderful friends and collaborators I’ve had the opportunity to meet. Through the monthly jams, the monthly open studio at The Minnesota Center for Book Arts (which graciously donates space to us each month), the 24 hour and other events, and the gallery shows, I’ve had the good fortune to meet some of my best friends.

Thanks to everyone who has participated in this grand experiment for making the Conspiracy the lively and active group it is today… I look forward to many more years of conspiring with you all.