Category Archives: Opportunities

Super Fantastica Comix #4 (2009 Edition) — Call for Submissions

Hello Friends!

After the last three, successful, releases of Super Fantastica Comix, we are now taking submissions for Super Fantastica Comix #4 (2009 Edition).

If you aren’t familiar, you may be asking yourself, “what is Super Fantasica Comix?” Well, Super Fantastica Comix! (SFC!) is a compendium of comix created by talented, up-and-coming amateurs and professional artists alike.

Want to participate? Please read the following information carefully as submissions not following the guidelines will not be accepted.

Theme: Science Fair! What do we mean by “Science Fair”? Well, a science fair is generally a competition where contestants present their science project results in the form of a report, display board, and models that they have created. A science fair allow students in grade schools and high schools to compete in science and/or technology activities. Now, take your own spin on it!

Comic Dimensions: Submissions lengths must be between one to six pages, black and white, or greyscale. All pages will be printed at 5.5″ x 8.5″ including an eighth inch gutter on all sides. Therefore all art must not exceed the printable dimensions of 5.25″ x 8.25″. Make certain to include your name, title of the entry, and a web address (if applicable) on the first or last page of the entry.

Biographies: Each artist must compose a biography of no more than 100 words. Make certain to include your name, previous works, and any applicable contact information (i.e. web addresses, social networking accounts, etc.).

How to Submit: We will take submissions both digital and physical. If you choose to send your submissions digitally please format them at 800 dpi for black and white and 300 dpi for greyscale. Please save images as JPG or PSD file formats. Attach the files, along with how you would like to be credited, to superfantasticacomix at hotmail dot com. If you cannot send your submissions electronically, please contact superfantasticacomix at hotmail dot com and we will determine another method of shipment. Prior to submitting to this anthology, please contact superfantasticacomix at hotmail dot com with a rough estimate of your page count, so we can take into account the approximate size of the book and make a contingency for printing options.

Deadline:The solid deadline for submissions is Saturday, March 7th, 2009 at 11:59 PM CST. Its duel debut will take place at SPACE (Small Press and Comix Expo), which takes place in Columbus, OH from April 18 & 19, 2009 at the Aladdin Shrine Center and MCBA Microcon on Sunday, April 26th, 2009 at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds.

Availability: These books will be carried at any establishment kind enough to carry them. Additional sites will become available as the deadline approaches. If you have a shop that you are aware of that consigns or purchases mini-comic anthologies, please e-mail superfantasticacomix at hotmail dot com with the appropriate contact information.

Compensation: Each participant will receive one free copy of Super Fantastica Comix — not much I know, damn the economy. If the participant would like extra copies, they can pay for them at cost. Generally speaking cost will be half of the cover price. Cover price will be determined by the amount of contributors to the book.

Exclamation point!

Minicomics Dumptruck

MINICOMICS DUMPTRUCK seeks committed minicomics creators to join in the minicomics makin’ fun.

MINICOMICS DUMPTRUCK is a collective of cartoonists from around the country who join together via a podcast and their webpage to create and exchange minicomics in 4 month-long “rounds”.

The next round begins January 6th, 2009.

Here’s how the MINICOMIC DUMPTRUCK works:

1) Pre-register your name, email address, physical address (or PO Box), and a link to your website/blog with DUMPTRUCK poo-bah Kevin Cross at the MINICOMICS DUMPTRUCK forum.

2) During the live podcast on January 6th, 2009 at 9pm CST (7pm PST) they will pick some “items” which MUST be used SOMEWHERE in the course of the minicomic you are going to create. The items can be used as a central theme, a plot device, or even just a background gag. But the chosen items have to show up somewhere.

3) During the same podcast, a book LENGTH (generally 12 to 24 pages) will be assigned, as will a specific SIZE for your finished minicomic (in the first”round” they chose “quarter-size”-4.25″x5.5″–but this could and probably will change for round 2).

4) You then have 4 months to complete, print, and mail-off one copy of your minicomic to all the other “Truckers”. (All the other Truckers addresses will be emailed to you after the 6th.)

5) During the 4 month period, there will be a new podcast every two weeks or so where you are encouraged to call-in or participate via live chat on how your work is going, and to give thoughts and suggestions to your fellow Truckers (you will need to set up a Talkshow account to do this).
Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 24924

6) You are also encouraged to post your work-in-progress and to particiapte in the DUMPTRUCK forum.

7) Again, please only sign-on if you are 100% committed to the project.

Anyway, the DUMPTRUCK sounds like lots o’ fun to me, and I can’t wait to get started!
Hope to see you all at the dump!

Broken Pencil

Friend of the Conspiracy Britt Aamodt passed on the following information to us:

I found a listing for a magazine that’s devoted to alternative culture called Broken Pencil.

Broken Pencil is great because it will review your ‘zine, minicomic, graphic novel, etc. if it has the alternative bent. The publication also solicits 2-4 pages of zine art per issue. Is this info your Conspiracy members would be interested in?

More info at:

Submitting Art to Broken Pencil:

Folio: 2-4 pages in which a zinester does whatever they feel like. Go crazy. A strong visual element is required here, a marriage of words and text.

Publications for Review at Broken Pencil:

Broken Pencil accepts zines, ezine urls, books, videos/films, music recordings, and mail-art for review. There are no deadlines for submitting to Broken Pencil as we are an ongoing project. To submit you must mail your work to us at PO Box 203, Station P, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2S7 CANADA or email your ezine url to zines at If you are mailing us something to review, please include on a separate piece of paper the following information: name of publication, name of the creator/publisher, the price (please note whether or not that price includes postage), and the contact mailing address and email. We will not review material that does not have contact information. We look forward to seeing your work, but keep in mind that Broken Pencil reserves the right to review whatever it feels like, and may not review a particular publication for a variety of reasons.

What is the What for Minneapolis 24 Hour Comics Day

Twin Cities & surrounding areas cartoonists… you are participating in our fifth-annual 24 Hour Comics Day event on October 18th-19th, right? Great… you will want to read this to prepare!

Also don’t forget to register, so we know how many people to expect… to register:

Send your name, e-mail address and phone number to Please put put the word REGISTER in the header.

The Minneapolis 24 Hour Comics Day Event Site.

The International 24 Hour Comics Day Site.

Cartooning Teaching Gig at The Elk River Library, and Make Comics for Malaria

Thanks much to Britt Aamodt for passing on the two below opportunities:
The Elk River Library is looking for a cartoonist to teach three 1-hour cartooning sessions to teens next summer. The dates/times would be second and/or third Tuesday evenings. They’re looking to pay $350 for the gig.
Anyone who’s interested can email head librarian Mick Stoffers at micks (at symbol) It’s a brand new library (open a year). Really nice facilities. And though Elk River seems like a million miles away, when I drive up here from Mpls it’s between 45 minutes and 1 hr.

Here is the second opportunity:

Will you choose to make your media matter?

3 million people die of malaria each year. Help Celtx fight
malaria by putting your creativity and talent to use.

Create a comic book,video, ad, play, or anything to inspire
others to donate $5 to buy a life-saving bednet.

Get engaged now at


The Celtx Development Team

Submit Your Minis to the 2008 Isotope Award for Excellence in Mini-Comics

Submissions Open for the 2008 Isotope Award for Excellence in Mini-Comics

SAN FRANCISCO (September 10th, 2008) San Francisco comics retailer James Sime, proprietor of Isotope – the comic book lounge, announced today that submissions for the 2008 Isotope Award for Excellence in Mini-Comics will be accepted until October 24th at midnight. “There is honestly nothing that makes me happier each year than to get the opportunity to help spotlight a creator who is toiling in the underground making something wonderful,” said Sime, “And I know that many of you out there are hand-crafting some mini-comics brilliance, let us help share that work with the world!”

The Isotope Award for Excellence in Mini-Comics has been the first step in launching the careers of previous award-winners including Eisner-nominated Josh Cotter (SKYSCRAPERS OF THE MIDWEST) and Danica Novgorodoff (SLOW STORM), as well as, Daniel Merlin Goodbrey (THE LAST SANE COWBOY), Rob Osborne (1000 STEPS TO WORLD DOMINATION), and Max Riffner (QUICK STEP).

The five judges for the Isotope Award represent various aspects of the comic industry including creators, retailers, and press. This year’s judges are:

Josh Cotter – 2004 winner of the Isotope Award for his mini-comic, SKYSCRAPERS OF THE MIDWEST. This Eisner-nominated series has recently been collected in a beautiful hardcover edition by AdHouse Books.

Jason McNamara – Xeric award winning author of FIRST MOON, CONTINUITY, and the recently-released THE MARTIAN CONFEDERACY.

Johanna Draper Carlson – Publishers Weekly writer, and the brilliant mind behind Comics Worth Reading. Johanna’s open-minded reviews and enthusiastic reporting set the bar for commentary throughout the industry.

Kirsten Baldock – The Isotope’s Special Projects Director. Kirsten is also a librarian, bartender, and the author of the SMOKE AND GUNS graphic novel.

James Sime – Proprietor of Isotope – the comic book lounge in San Francisco.

To enter this competition, send five copies of your mini-comic to Isotope’s address (326 Fell St. San Francisco, CA 94102) before October 24th deadline. The award will be given out at the grand ceremony during APE AFTERMATH at the Isotope in conjunction with San Francisco’s ALTERNATIVE PRESS EXPO. Because of the nature of this award, the winner will be contacted in advance and must be present at the Isotope at 9 PM on Saturday, November 1st for the award presentation ceremony.

For more information contact the Isotope at (415) 621-6543 or at isotopeaward at

Above info copied from here.


Mark your calendars for Minneapolis’ fifth annual “24 Hour Comics Day” event. The details are as follows:
Saturday October 18, 2008 – Sunday October 19, 2008
10am – 10am

Bring food to share, and art materials for yourself (but know that Wet Paint will have a booth set up so you can buy all your stuff there if you want!)

For all the latest info, check out

To register, email your name, email address and phone number to us at mpls24hourcomicday at You can also ask questions there, but we would prefer if you did it in the comments for this post, as it will hopefully answer other people with the same question!

We will be making another box set collecting comics from this year’s event. We hope all event participants will want to participate in this as well. Everyone contributing a mini-comic to the box will get a copy of the box. In previous years we have made 100 of these… this year there will be less… the number is tbd, based on the number of participants.

Help spread the word by posting/printing/emailing the fantastic poster by Kevin Cannon (who may hold the world record for most 24 hour comics drawn)! Choose from:

400 px wide (blog-friendly)
800 px wide
1600 px wide (cartoon is readable at this size)
hi-res black (good for printing)

Thanks much to our sponsors at Big Brain Comics, Big Time Attic, the Minnesota Center for Book Arts, and Wet Paint!

Here is an icon you can use on your blog sidebar, social networking site, etc. to link to the 24 hour Mpls blog:

Here is a link to the official 24 Hour Comics Day website for the international event. Here is Scott McCloud’s dare which defines what a 24 hour comic is.

Super Fantastica Comix Summer 2008 Edition

Hello Friends!

After the last two, moderately successful releases of Super Fantastica Comix, we are now taking submissions for the Summer 2008 edition — although a bit later than expected! Below is all of the pertinent information.

Theme: PSA

Comic Dimensions:
Submissions lengths must be between one to six pages, black and white, or greyscale. All pages will be printed at 5.5″ x 8.5″ including an eighth inch gutter on all sides. Therefore all art must not exceed the printable dimensions of 5.25″ x 8.25″. Make certain to include your name, title of the entry, and a web address (if applicable) on the first or last page of the entry.

Biographies: Each artist must compose a biography of no more than 100 words. Make certain to include your name, previous works, and any applicable contact information (i.e. web addresses, MySpace accounts, etc.).

How to Submit:
We will take submissions both digital and physical.
If you choose to send your submissions digitally please format them at 800 dpi for black and white and 300 dpi for greyscale. Please save images as JPG or PSD file formats. Attach the files, along with how you would like to be credited, to superfantasticacomix at hotmail dot com
If you cannot send your submissions electronically, please contact superfantasticacomix at hotmail dot com and we will determine another method of shipment. Prior to submitting to this anthology, please contact superfantasticacomix at hotmail dot com with a rough estimate of your page count, so we can take into account the approximate size of the book and make a contingency for printing options.

The solid deadline for submissions is Saturday, September 6th, 2008 at 11:59 PM CST. These books will be released in September and will be available at establishments generous enough to carry them and at the MCBA Fallcon from on Saturday, October 4th and Sunday, October 5th 2008, which is the premiere comic convention in the upper midwest and in its 20th year! Twin Cities. For more information on the MCBA Fallcon, please visit their website.

Along with the usual shops in the Twin Cities, these books will also be available at Quimby’s in Chicago, Green Brain Comics in Detroit, and Vault of Midnight Comics in Ann Arbor. Additional sites will become available as the deadline approaches.
If you have a shop that you are aware of that consigns or purchases mini-comic anthologies, please e-mail superfantasticacomix at hotmail dot com with the appropriate contact information.

Each participant will receive one free copy of Super Fantastica Comix — not much I know, damn the economy. If the participant would like extra copies, they can pay for them at cost. Generally speaking cost will be half of the cover price. Cover price will be determined by the amount of contributors to the book.

Exclamation point!