Category Archives: Opportunities

Broken Pencil Looking for Cartoonists

Here is another request for submissions that Danno ran across.

CARTOONISTS! Broken Pencil is planning to start running comics on our website, and including some of them in every issue of the print magazine. If you have a new webcomic concept (that is, one that is not currently running somewhere else) and can come up with new content on a monthly basis, send us some samples; if we like what we see, your comic could be spread across the indiewebs to entertain and enlighten the masses! Email samples to richardr at — and please pass this along to anyone you think might be interested.

Rift Magazine Opportunity for Minnesota Cartoonists

I just received an email about an opportunity to do some comics for Minnesota-based Rift Magazine. Below is the info.

I was just checking into the possibility of getting some comic strips for a local (minnesota) art and music paper. Maybe something in exchange for the artists promoting their comics and promoting the Cartoonist Conspiracy or The Lutefisk Sushi comic book. We want just local Minnesota artists.

I have available – 10.25″ Wide x 7.75″ high for a comics section. The only bad thing is I would need something by the end of next weekend.

Let me know if you think it is something you could get together, or if you could point me in the right direction.



Rich Horton
email: rich at
Rift Magazine

REMINDER: City Pages Comix Issue Deadline June 25th!

The deadline for the City Pages Comix issue is a week from today! I know a lot of you are planning on doing something for it… I look forward to seeing what you all come up with! Note that this is a paying gig (if they use your entry)… $100 for full page, $50 for half page, $25 for quarter page, and $10 for stuff that only gets used online. Here is the info again…

Wanna be in City Pages’ upcoming Comix Issue?


Editor-in-Chief Kevin Hoffman describes it like this:

“Each contributor will be asked to interpret that theme by predicting what it will be like when the Republican National Convention comes in to town in September.”

For all the submission info, DOWNLOAD THIS PDF.

Entries are due JUNE 25, so get crackin’!

Cartoonist Needed for Advertising Campaign (Red Wing, MN)

Another opportunity for someone that was forwarded to me… here are the details:

Reply to: jbecker at

I need a cartoonist to help create a 4 panel cartoon for an advertising campaign. This will be done in the high drama fashion and style of either Mary Worth or Judge Parker (or as I like to call them ‘cartoon strips that take themselves too seriously’).

This shouldn’t be too complicated and could have some terrific long term exposure value (street cred), for whatever that is worth. At the bare minimum, it is a $200 gig (exactly what Jim Rockford charges per day, plus expenses).

So, if you know these strips:
Judge Parker
Apartment 3-G
Steve Canyon
The Heart of Juliet Jones

Then we are on the same frequency.

Mini-Comics Class Teaching Opportunity

Here’s another opportunity for someone to run a mini-comics class (read details below). Note that we have a “text book” for this sort of thing you can use that can be found here:

Li’l Library Volume One: How to Make Mini-Comics

Here’s the info:

I was referred to you from another librarian who said you could help me plan an event. I co-facilitate a Teen Bookclub where we read manga and graphic novels. All of the teens involved are also budding cartoonists, and I thought it would be fun to host an event where they learn how to self-publish their graphic stories. i have a small budget to compensate a presenters’ time and buy some supplies for a hands-on workshop, $200 or $300 total. Is this the sort of thing you do, or do you know someone in the Twin Cities that does? I am hoping to act quickly on this. We need to submit all our events for Fall by July 1st.

Thanks for whatever help you can give!

Lisa M. Stuart

Roosevelt Community Library

Hennepin County Library

email: lmstuart at

CONvergence Needs Cartoonist Panelists

CONvergence (July 3-6), an enormous annual Twin Cities science-fiction, comics and gaming convention is looking for folks who want to be panelists on some of their panels. They’ve got some great comics guests this year… one of their guests of honor is the wonderful Mark Evanier, who, in addition to being co-creator of the hilarious series Groo the Wanderer, has one of the best comics and entertainment blogs around. Information on how to contact them to potentially participate in a panel can be seen below. Here is an email I received requesting our assistance:
Hi Steven:
CONvergence–an annual science fiction, fantasy, comic book and gaming convention in Bloomington, MN–is looking for volunteer panelists (see below). Among the panels are Censorship in Comics, Comics as Movies and the History of Manga. If anyone’s interested, they can email Christopher Jones at cajones at winternet dot com.
This year, CONvergence will be hosting some interesting comic book folks:

  • Len Wein – Writer for comics and animation, creator of Swamp Thing, Nightcrawler & Wolverine.
  • Greg Weisman – Creator of Disney’s Gargoyles and supervising producer of The Spectacular Spider-Man for 2008.
  • Wally Wingert – Voice Actor
  • Marv Wolfman – Writer for comics and animation, creator of Blade, Bullseye & The New Teen Titans.
  • Bernie Wrightson – Comic Book Artist/Illustrator
  • Mark Evanier
  • – Television and Comic Book Writer.

  • John Kovalic – Cartoonist and Game designer: Dork Tower, Dr. Blink, Out of the Box Games.
  • Trace Beaulieu – Puppeteer, Writer and Actor from Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Cinematic Titanic
  • Robert Meyer Burnett – Filmmaker, director of Free Enterprise, and producer of DVD extras
  • Christian Colquhoun – Prop-builder and physical effects artist whose projects include Galaxy Quest, Van Helsing, and Firefly.
  • Larry Dixon – Co-author of Mage Wars and Dariens Tale series, author of many short stories and game material and fantasy artist.
  • Daren Dochterman – Designer and illustrator for over 35 feature films, including Star Trek: The Motion Picture Special Edition.
  • Kenneth Hite – Role-playing game designer for GURPS, the Star Trek role playing game, and beyond.
  • Dr. James Kakalios – U of M physics professor, author of The Physics of Superheroes.
  • Harry Knowles – Creator of
  • Jay Knowles – Creator of Harry Knowles (and contributor to AICN).
  • Mercedes Lackey – Author of many popular novels, including the Valdemar and Bardic Voices series and folk music lyricist.
  • Bridget Landry – Engineer on the teams of the Hubble Space Telescope, the Mars Pathfinder project, the Cassini Mission to Saturn, and other space missions.
  • Peter Mayhew – The actor who played the beloved Chewbacca in the original Star Wars Trilogy and in Episode III.
  • Andrew Probert – Production Designer for Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica and Airwolf.
  • Vincent Truitner – Animation and CGI artist.
  • David Weber – Author of the Honor Harrington series and other military science-fiction.

CONvergence Programming Needs Panelists!
All the panels are tentatively scheduled into our 2008 Programming Grid, but some still face the danger of cancellation due to lack of panelists, including many panels in the gaming and science tracks. The #1 Reason panels are scratched from the line up is a lack of panelists to sit them.
Go to to sign up for panels that you’d like to be a part of, or just browse to start making plans of what to attend.
These are panels that currently have NO panelists signed up for them, and they WILL BE CANCELLED unless we have panelists in the next week.
  • Censorship in Comics – The Past and Future (Comics)
  • Ultimate Home Theatre – How to Build It (Science)
  • Blurring of the Lines – CGI Backgrounds in Movies (Movies)
  • Exploring FTL Drives (faster than light travel) Science
  • The Pixar Panel – Wall-E and Pixar Movies (Movies)
These are panels that have at least one panelist assigned, but we’d like to see more panelists on them to secure their place in the schedule.
  • Scrapbooking (Project Room)
  • Thrown a Controller or Manual Across the Room Lately? (Gaming)
  • Comics as Movies (Movies)
  • Young Adult Literature (Literature)
  • Hogwarts’ Graduation (Harry Potter) (Literature)
  • Closet Geeks… Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are! (Hot Dish)
  • Dream Casting (Movies)
  • Not all Munchkins Live in Oz – Collectable Card Games (Gaming)
  • Backyard Astronomy (Science)
  • History of Manga (Arts)
  • Thunderbirds are Go! (Television)
  • Homophobia and Racism in Online Gaming (Gaming)
  • Gadget Gossip (New Electronics) (Science)
  • Gosh, Golly Gee Whiz (Teen Noir Mysteries) (Literature)
  • Imperfect Heroes (Hot Dish)
  • Film Remakes – Exhuming the Past (Movies)
  • Dangerous Days – How to Survive Zombie Attacks (Movies)
  • Sci-Fi Saturday – Cult B Movies (Movies)
  • Comics for Mature Audiences (Comics)
  • Club Fan Faire – Come Promote Your Local Club (Hot Dish)
  • Trilogy Limitations: What happened to the franchise? (Movies)
These panels have more than one panelists attached, but they are still open and we’d like to see more panelists added.
  • Return of the Satellite of Love – MST3K spin-offs (Television)
  • Wii: The Changing Face of Gaming (Gaming)
  • Heroes: Volume Two (Television)
  • Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition (Gaming)
  • Fanzines Invented the Internet (Literature)
  • Videogame Blogs and Podcasts (Gaming)
  • 6 Impossible Things Before Breakfast (Literature)
  • Star Trek: New Voyages – Fan Made Productions (Television)
  • Songwriting and Filking (Arts)
  • Emergent Genres and Movements (Literature)
  • Paranormal Investigation as TV Journalism (Television)
  • Geek as an Ensemble Character (Hot Dish)
  • Which Non-Genre Films Should You See? (Movies)
  • Etiquette at the Gaming Table (Gaming)
  • Whither Open Gaming License (Gaming)
  • Time Management 101 (Hot Dish)
  • Where’s My Flying Car (Science)
  • Cell vs. Chip – 2D vs. 3D animation (Hot Dish)
  • Digital Distribution Debate (Science)
  • Where to Shop? (Hot Dish)
  • Weaponry of Star Trek (Science)
Again, you can sign up for panels at CONvergence programming is what our members make of it, so we encourage you to participate and get involved. Email us at programming at convergence-con dot org if you have questions or would like to be involved.

Contact Information
The Minnesota Society for Interest in Science Fiction and Fantasy
1437 Marshall Avenue, Suite 203 St. Paul, MN 55104
24-hour voicemail: 651-MISFITS (651-647-3487)
CONvergence e-mail: info at convergence-con dot org
CONvergence web site:
MISFITS e-mail: info at misfit dot org
MISFITS web site:
If you would like to be removed from this mailing list, simply email
and let us know.
Thank you.

Please let them know we sent you!

Lutefisk Sushi Volume C Deadline, Sideshows

Mark your calendars! Our recurring big box of Minnesota mini-comics project, Lutefisk Sushi Volume C, will be happening this May 2nd (and during Art-A-Whirl!) at Altered Esthetics. As with the two previous Sushi events, the show features a huge, limited-edition box set of tons of Minnesota mini-comics, as well as original art by the artists participating in the set. Click on the image above to visit the event website for more information on the event and on participating.

The deadline has been extended to March 31st (previously March 15th) for mini-comics submissions to the box. The deadline for original art and other stuff to sell at the gallery (Altered Esthetics) has been set at April 12th. We are planning on having a pot-luck for artists to meet and socialize April 12th as well. More info about that will be forthcoming. You can drop off stuff at Big Time Attic during regular business hours, or up until 7:30PM on March 21st.

We’ve got some fantastic submissions coming in… we’re going to have a whole lot of participants. WE HAVE LIMITED SPACE IN THE BOX, so if you want to insure you get your work in there, handing it in sooner rather than later would be a very good idea.

If you’re participating, please remember to hand in the two forms with your submission, so we don’t have to hassle you for them.

There are two sideshow events that we’d love to have you participate in as well:

The Amazing Zoetrope: Conspirator Ken Avidor has built an incredible hand-cranked zoetrope for our use during the event. We’d love to have more folks make animated strips for this. Here are the specs:

Strips are 37 inches long (with one inch extra to go behind the other end), so 38 inches total. There should be 12 evenly spaced drawings in the 37 inches (3.08 inches per panel). They should be 5.5 inches to 6 inches high. Note that this is a hands-on thing, so if you care about your originals getting pawed and potentially mangled, you’ll want to submit a copy of them.

The Potty Humor Exhibit: We want to hang your utterly inappropriate and anti-social original art in the bathroom. Frame it or matte it, and get it to us by April 12th.

Other sideshows will include The Art of Kevin Cannon (who will premiering a special limited edition of his fantastic graphic novel Far Arden) and The Art Vending Machine. We are wide open to suggestions for other sideshows as well… particularly if you have good ideas for events you would like to take on organizing during Art-A-Whirl. Suggest ideas in the comments, or email me. Note that we are much more likely to pursue sideshows that individuals are willing to personally take on organizing.

PLEASE DO WHATEVER YOU CAN TO HELP PROMOTE THIS EVENT. Let’s make this the best attended Sushi show yet (the last two were both packed houses).

  • Grab one of the banners at the bottom of this post and put it on your websites, blogs, social networking sites, and message boards you frequent with a link to the Sushi site.
  • Write about the upcoming show and your preparations for it on your websites, blogs, social networking sites, and message boards you frequent with a link to the Sushi site.
  • We’ve got a ton of beautiful postcards at Big Time Attic and Altered Esthetics that we could use your help distributing… please pick some up when you drop off your submission to hand out to friends and put in your favorite coffee shops, bars, bookstores, etc.
  • Know reporters? Hit them up for a story. Let us know if you need contact information, we will have a press release available very soon.
  • Most importantly: TELL YOUR FRIENDS in person or via phone or email and tell them to spread the word.



Further questions about this event are hopefully answered in this document.

Super Fantastica Comix Spring 2008 Submissions

 After the first, successful release of the Super Fantastica Comix Winter 2008 Edition, we are now taking submissions for the Spring 2008 edition! Below is all of the pertinent information. Theme: Fowl (or Foul) Comic Dimensions: Each submission must be two to eight pages, black and white, or greyscale. All pages will be printed at 5.5″ x 8.5″ including an eighth inch gutter on all sides. Therefore all art must not exceed the printable dimensions of 5.25″ x 8.25″. Make certain to include your name, title of the entry, and a web address (if applicable) on the first or last page of the entry.Biographies: Each artist will need to compose a biography of no more than 100 words. Make certain to include your name, previous works, and any applicable contact information (i.e. web addresses, MySpace accounts, etc.).How to Submit: We will take submissions both digital and physical. If you choose to send your submissions digitally please format them at 800 dpi for black and white and 300 dpi for greyscale. Please save images as JPG or PSD file formats. Attach the files, along with how you would like to be credited, to superfantasticacomix at hotmail dot com. If you cannot send your submissions electronically, please contact superfantasticacomix at hotmail dot com and we will determine another method of shipment. Prior to submitting to this anthology, please contact superfantasticacomix at hotmail dot com with a rough estimate of your page count, so we can take into account the approximate size of the book and make a contingency for printing options.Deadline: The solid deadline for submissions is Saturday, April 12th, 2007 at 11:59 PM CST. These books will be released in April and will debut at the MCBA Microcon on Sunday, April 27th, 2007, which is a one-day event located in the Twin Cities. For more information on the MCBA Microcon, please visit the MCBA Myspace page.Availability: Along with the usual shops in the Twin Cities, these books will also be available at Quimby’s in Chicago. Additional sites will become available as the deadline approaches. If you have a shop that you are aware of that consigns or purchases mini-comic anthologies, please e-mail superfantasticacomix at hotmail dot com with the appropriate contact information.Compensation: Each participant will receive one free copy of Super Fantastica Comix. If the participant would like extra copies, they can pay for them at cost. Generally speaking, cost will be half of the cover price. Cover price will be determined by the amount of contributors to the book.Exclamation point!