Category Archives: Opportunities

Your Cartoons Wanted in The Cartoonist Conspiracy’s Flickr Gallery


I just set up a public image sharing group for us on the photo-sharing site flickr. A preview of images appear on the right side of our group blog and on the top of our gallery page. Anyone with a flickr account should be able to join the group and start posting.
Please Note that flickr has been known to shut down accounts that feature nothing but illustration for some unfathomable reason, so you will want to post some photos on your account when you start it to avoid this happening. Also, note that they don’t make images from an account public until you have four or five images posted.

We’re also going to have suggested topics for the gallery each month… we’ll vote on them on the message board after this month. Go here to suggest and vote on a topic for March. This month’s topic is UNDISCOVERED CRYPTIDS. It is only a suggested topic, though. Feel free to post images on that subject, or any other subject you wish.

In spite of its shortcomings, hopefully this will become a fun public gallery for the Conspiracy… I look forward to seeing your cartoons!


Above: A rendition of the Conspiracy Logo Fiend by Lutefisk Sushi Volume C featured artist Kevin Cannon from the Big Time Attic Blog. Click it to download the submission info.

You can download and print the Lutefisk Sushi submission info here.

If you don’t have software for viewing a word document, you can get high-quality, free office software at




The third Cartoonist Conspriacy organized Lutefisk Sushi event, Lutefisk Sushi Volume C will be happening at Altered Esthetics in May 2008 (the month of Art-A-Whirl!).
For those of you who aren’t familiar with the previous events/compilations, you can see more about them here and here.
We need submissions!
The focus of the show will again be around a big ol’ fancy hand-serigraphed box of mini-comics with a cover by featured artist Kevin Cannon.
It will be limited to 150 copies… every participant will receive one.
To participate:
1) You must live in Minnesota.
2) You must provide us with 160 copies of your comic.
Not 161, not 159, not 2,364. 160.
Your mini-comic can be no larger than 5.5″ x 8.5″, or it won’t fit.
It can be any format and length. For the first set we even had a scroll hand-silkscreened in invisible ink. Please only submit one title, as space is limited.
3) You may also include other comics or other items you wish to have sold at the gallery. Make sure your name is in the comic somewhere and put a price on the cover. Also include a folded 3×5 card with the name of the comic and the price on it for each comic you are selling. If we do not have an obvious way of telling how much your comic costs, we will not sell it (note when pricing that the gallery gets 30% of the sales price).
We will do our best to be fair about the limited display space we have for various items… if you submit a lot of items, we may not have room to display them all.
4) You must matte, frame, or otherwise make presentable and hangable any originals you intend to have displayed. If you don’t do this we will not hang your work… frames can be purchased cheaply easily enough at thrift stores and other places. It is not required that you display originals, but it is encouraged. Put your name and the price of the piece on the back of the piece (note when pricing that the gallery gets 30% of the sales price).
5) You must submit everything by no later than March 15, 2008.
6) You must include the form with your submission. Submissions without forms will not be included in the show.
7) Every participant will receive a bento box. You must show up on opening night to pick up your Bento Box, or you must make other arrangements before then if you plan on getting one.
8) You must pick up your remaining original artwork, unsold comics and money (if any) at the end of the show. Any money or artwork not picked up by the artists will be kept by the gallery to do with as they please.
9) While it is not required, your assistance would be greatly appreciated collating the Bento Boxes at the collating party. We will also be looking for many volunteers to hang out and draw jam comics during art-a-whirl. You’re also encouraged to suggest and organize other related activities for the month.
We intend to include in the box all submissions that meet ALL these criteria.
Please read the criteria carefully before submitting, as it takes a LOT of our time and resources to go back and hassle people for items they are missing.
Entries not meeting ALL of the above criteria will NOT be included in the box.

No previous comic book making experience is necessary to participate.

While we plan on having all entries meeting the criteria included in the Lutefisk Sushi Volume C Bento Box, if we get a lot of entries, we may have to cut it off somewhere- we’ll let you know if the limit is getting close on the conspiracy website.
We had around 50 participants last time, and the box was packed to overflowing. First come, first served, so get your submissions in early.
In addition to the boxes, there will also be a lot of original artwork from the participating cartoonists on the walls. Using the artwork from the comic you submit to the Bento Box is preferred, although it is not required. ALL artwork should be priced for sale… let’s make the gallery some money. Submitting multiple items for display is fine, although we can’t guarantee we will have room for everything.
In addition to the main show, there will also be a “sideshow” featuring the art of Kevin Cannon.
Profits from the originals and comics will be split with the artists and gallery 70 (artists)-30 (gallery).
Profits from the Bento Boxes will go first to reimburse our miscellaneous production expenses, and then to the gallery (which is a wonderful non-profit organization we are thrilled to be involved with).
Lutefisk Sushi Volume B is being sponsored and organized by The International Cartoonist Conspiracy (, Altered Esthetics ( and Big Time Attic (




Phone Number:

Email Address:

Name of the work you are submitting to the Bento Box:

Indicate prices of any originals included here (and on the backs of the originals):

Indicate prices and titles of any comics you are selling here (and on the books.. also include a folded 3×5 card with the name and price of each book you are giving us to sell):

I am aware that The International Cartoonist Conspiracy, Big Time Attic, and Altered Ethetics do not insure or agree to be responsible for any theft, damage, or loss of any article. I freely choose to exhibit in Altered Esthetics and I agree to accept any and all loss, theft, or damage resulting directly or indirectly from registrant’s participation in these activities.
In return for the benefits I will receive from participation, I agree to not sue or to hold the organizers, their directors, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers responsible for any loss, theft, or damage connected with registrant’s participation in the exhibition.


Send this form along with your submissions and the standard Altered Esthetics exhibition contract ( to:

1618 Central Ave. NE Suite 216
Minneapolis, MN 55413
(612) 521-7423
Questions? Contact Danno at staplegenius at

Image/Shadowline Super Heronie Creation Contest

Here is an opportunity/contest for writers to create a super-heronie for Image and Shadowline. The winning entry will be featured in a self-titled three issue mini-series to be drawn by fan-favorite artist, Franchesco! (She-Dragon, Green Lantern Corps Quarterly) and back-end profits will be split between the creators.

The original link can be found here, but the gist of the contest is as follows:

Round One:
Contestants e-mail a BRIEF one paragraph story synopsis by January 31,2008 to: Stories/concept must be original with original characters. No pre-existing characters may be used unless owned by contestant.

Round Two:
Ten semi-finalists will be chosen from all entries received by the above date and notified by e-mail. They will then be required to turn in 5 (five) fully scripted pages by February 29, 2008.

Round Three:
The five finalists will be announced and their synopses posted on Newsarama on March 10. Newsarama posters will be encouraged to vote on their favorite. (Writers are strongly advised to direct traffic to the contest via message boards, myspace, etc…every vote counts!) Polls will close on April 4, 2008.

The winner will be announced April 28 with initial concept art/character design by Franchesco. First issue will be solicited with a cover date of November 2008.

Young American Comics: What’s In The Box?

Young American Comics (YAC), an indie comic publisher who is known for its large, open-invite, group projects such as The Big Ol’ Book of BIZMAR, is taking submissions for their sixth annual open-invite project.

This year YAC asks that contributors, “write and draw a two to six page comic that involves an unopened box with mystery contents. It can be any sort of box and a part of any type of story, as long as the contents of the box remain unknown to the reader.”

For further information check out this link: What’s In The Box? Group Project Information.

Character Developer Needed ASAP

I met a woman at FallCon this weekend who had what sounds like a pretty good opportunity for someone… here is an email from her:

Hi, Steven!

Just a reminder that I am looking for an illustrator for a techno
character for a book on poems and Limericks about the madness of
technology. I want to develop a whole cast of characters that can go
into children’s books, comic strips, merchandise, etc. I have a short
deadline for the first book so would appreciate hearing from potential
artists, ASAP.


Apparently, she already has a publisher and needs someone by this Wednesday, so you’ll want to contact her asap if you’re interested. Drop me an email if you want Patricia’s contact info:

Submit Work For Best American Comics 2008

Matt Madden just posted on his blog the details for submitting work to the Best American Comics 2008 book. I hope some of you are in the next volume! Deadline for submissions is September 7th.

Many of you already know this, but I wanted to announce here officially that Jessica Abel and I are the new series editors of Houghton Mifflin’s Best American Comics series, starting with the third volume, coming out in the fall of 2008. This means we are reviewing all the comics that come out in the course of the September 1-August 31 year and presenting a selection to a guest editor who makes the final choices for the book (and who will be announced soon!).

The deadline for BAC 2008 is fast approaching: the last publication date we can accept is August 31, 2007 and, just as importantly, the last date we will accept any books will be September 7, 2007–that’s less than a month away, people!

So spread the word and let your artist and publisher friends know that the official website is now live and contains all the submission information you need.

While you’re at it, check out the site for the Best American Comics 2007. The guest editor was Chris Ware and the book will be in stores in October.

Muscles and Fights Volume 2 Looking For Submissions (Deadline September 1)

The MUSCLES AND FIGHTS 2: MUSCLIER & FIGHTIER anthology is currently looking for submissions. The first volume is great, and has been getting a lot of favorable press… here’s the info:

We would like to invite you to be part of what is sure to be the most memorable clashing of fists and steel since gladiators were led into the Coliseum to meet their end.

After a successful first volume of Muscles & Fights, we’re ready to do it all over again, with even greater anticipation of turn-out.

If you would like us to consider your submission, simply contact us through our website or send an Email to budburgy at or amadosaurus at

The deadline for Muscles & Fights volume 2 is September 1, 2007.


Your submission should be 6.625” x 10.25”, black & white (grey scale is considered black & white) with quarter inch borders on all sides… No Bleeds.

You should have 10 pages of story + 1 biopage (in total 11 pages!) that includes an image (illustration or photo) that represents you. The bio page is meant to promote or tell about yourself, so include any info you would like that pertains to that (example: website, name, contact, etc.). Keep this loosely designed, because we will be coming up with a layout to make them all consistent.

Each persons story will begin on the left hand page as you look at the book. Keep this in mind if you need your pages to be opposite of each other for any reason.

We accept two types of digital submissions, via Email or a mailed CD. In either case, the submission MUST adhere to the following:

300 dpi. Flattened .pdf (or .tiff). File names should indicate the name of your story and page numbers, for example; sasquatchmeetsabominalbot_m&f2_page1.tif. Mail your CD to the address below or Email your files to:

budburgy at or amadosaurus at

Mailing address: 1930 Grand Avenue, Saint Paul, MN, 55105

All submissions must contain muscles and/or fights. How you wish to communicate those elements is where the fun comes in.

Some blurbs about the first volume of Muscles and Fights:

“Good idea, excellently executed. Great stuff.”
– Mike Everleth, Bad Lit

“This meal of a book left me fully satisfied and I think Burgy & Rodriguez have stumbled onto not only a concept that is rich enough for another installment, but a great way to showcase some extremely talented artists and writers.”
-Ambush Bug, Ain’t It Cool News

“Muscles & Fights is an action packed extravaganza, that is full of the bravado that true macho men crave!”
-Jose Cabrera aka Crying Macho Man

The deadline for Muscles & Fights volume 2 is September 1, 2007
The release date for Muscles & Fights volume 2 is: October 6th, 2007

CALL TO ARTISTS: a tribute/benefit anthology for Eric Lappegard

Fellow cartoonist, cyclist, and all around wonderful person Eric Lappegard passed away on July 23rd, 2007 from complications after a car accident that had left him paralyzed earlier this month. Eric was a charming fella, full of passion and enthusiasm, and talented as hell. Please take the time to check out some of his wonderful comics and get a glimpse of what we’ve lost.

Eric’s several communities of friends here in Minneapolis are putting together a day-long benefit/celebration of the life of Eric on SEPTEMBER 8th, 2007 which will include an “Alley Cat” bike race, an art show at Altered Esthetics gallery(, silent auction, music, and more. All money will go towards Eric’s parents to help pay for the remaining hospital bills, etc.

We here at the Cartoonists Conspiracy are doing our part by putting together an anthology and the art show- AND THAT’S WHERE YOU COME IN!

The anthology we are now accepting submissions for is to be called: “ALLEY CAT: CATS ON BIKES(with Ninjas) a tribute to Eric Lappegard”

The anthology’s themes and your submissions are encouraged to be as wild and varied as Eric’s interests(cats, bikes, ninjas, veganism, beer, or ANY COMBINATION THEREOF!).


1) Contributions of one or two pages of comics/pin-ups. The book will be BLACK AND WHITE.
The DEADLINE is AUGUST 15th, 2007. PERIOD!

2) In addition to the book we will be auctioning off ALL the original art in the name of Eric. We must insist in order to contribute, you must be willing to have your original auctioned off.

3) The final size of the book will be the mini-comic “standard” of 8.5″x5.5″.
Your image will fit a 8″x5″ area. Think proportionately!

4) Kevin and Zander Cannon of BIG TIME ATTIC have graciously offered to scan any art work not submitted via email or disk. (and in fact, unless you live outside the MPLS/ST PAUL area, I think they’d prefer to scan to keep a consistency.)

Their offices are located at: Big Time Attic 1618 Central Ave NE, Suite 216 Minneapolis, MN 55413 (ph) 612-521-7423 (fx) 612-605-9216

4.5) For outlanders– Scanned images must be at 300DPI greyscale or 800DPI B&W We encourage you to pre-size to 8″x5″. They can be emailed to: Kevin at

5) All orginal art must also be dropped-off/recieved via mail to BIG TIME ATTIC at the above address by the Friday, August 31st.

6) All contributors WILL receive a copy of the anthology, but we ask you consider either buying more anthologys/drinks/original art/prints at the tribute party since all money goes to Eric’s parents to pay for medical bills, etc.

Also we strongly encourage donations directly via:
Account of Eric Lappegard Voyager Bank 500 Marschall Road Shakopee, MN 55379

So there you have it! Get that ink to paper and get it to us as soon as you can. Any questions can be address to any of the below emails. Also, PLEASE forward this to any and all cartoonist friends/associates you have. And thank you!

Steven Stwalley– Steven at
Kevin Cannon– Kevin at
Danno Klonowski– staplegenius at

Museum Looking for Artists for Midwestern Cartoonist Show

I thought this message board post should get wider viewing so here it is… go to the message board to respond:

I am working with a museum that is considering doing a show about cartoonists currently living in the northern Midwest some time in late 2008. Nothing is certain yet, but mostly we are just looking at what kind of work is available. If you would like to suggest yourself, other artists, or if you know of an existing lists of artists by location I would greatly appreciate it.

It would also be helpful to know where examples of listed artists cartooning work can be found. (Stores, Websites, Publications, ect.)

Currently the kinds of work being considered is completely open. It can be one panel drawings, daily strips, online cartoons, mini comics, comic books, novels, or even animation. The work can be produced for a major publisher, small press, self published, or for underground distribution. We are judging the work purely on aesthetics merits.

Once we get a grasp on what is available we will begin to narrow our focus.