Get the scoop on Zinefest on their site here!
Note that a number of Conspirators will be exhibiting there.
Hey cartoonists!
Minnesota’s premier comics art show LUTEFISK SUSHI is back for its fifth season in 2012. While the opening reception is over fifteen months away, we need to decide on a featured artist ASAP! As in past years, the featured artist will design the sushi box, and will have a whole wall devoted to their artwork during the gallery show at Altered Esthetics in November, 2012. See websites of past shows here.
To nominate a cartoonist, please send the following info to nordeastcomics [at]
– The artist’s name
– The artist’s website (if there is one)
– The artist’s email (so we can contact them to confirm if they want to run)
NOTE: Artists must reside in Minnesota or have some strong connection to the state.
NOTE: If an artist does not wish to be nominated, or does not respond to us before August 25, they will not be listed as a nominee.
August 15: Nominations open
August 25: Nominations close; Voting begins
September 1: Voting closes at noon; Winner is formally announced at 6pm at the Nordeast Comics Summit, and online.
As in past years, voting will take place on So jump on that site between August 25 and September 1 to vote! Voters must register on the Cartoonist Conspiracy website (it’s free). Voters may vote only once.
Past featured artists are Vincent Stall, Ken Avidor, Kevin Cannon, and Danno Klonowski.
Questions? Post them in the comments section below.
Fun! Our friends at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts are having a Day of the Dead postcard contest. The prize is 250 smackers! All entries will be displayed in the lobby gallery! Note that cards will not be returned. Read the details here.
Registration for the Toronto Comic Arts Festival is now open. Apparently, it usually sells out very fast.
Sarah Morean (one of the main organizers of the MIX festival) recently twittered:
CARTOONISTS! Desperately need six volunteers to create new work for a fundraiser to benefit The Soap Factory and help MIX. DM me for deets!
So, please help out, huh? It is a fun project.
The below very cool-sounding opportunity was just posted here.
Call for Mini Comics and mini comix submissions
I am looking for mini comic submissions for a new two-volume set of hardbound books to be published by Fantagraphics. This series will cover mini comics from the dawn of time (early 70′s) to the present. Since Newave (1980’s) has already been covered, the main focus will be on the 1990′s to the present although earlier minis will be covered too. The books will be the same size as the original Newave book (only more like 700 pages each) and will only reproduce whole mini comics that are 5 1/2 X 4 1/4 or smaller just like in the Newave book. (If you are concerned about the size of your submission contact me and we can talk about it). No digest sized comics or bigger will be accepted.
The two volumes are to be simply titled “Treasury of Mini Comics†Volumes one & two.
I am looking for contributors. I am looking for the best of the best. Any creator can send me their mini comics, disks, or photocopies to be considered for publication for this project. Or email me and send low-res jpegs to: brownfieldpress(at)
Please send titles to: Michael Dowers 361 E. Birnie Slough Rd., Cathlamet , WA 98612.
If you want your material returned it is important to enclose return postage. Any mini comics that are kept will be placed in the Fantagraphics collection after the books are published. Also anybody sending actual mini comics will receive comics in trade from Brownfield press.
The following was posted by Brian Hibbs at The Savage Critics:
This is not directly tied to Savage Criticing, but I figure cartooning jobs are few and far enough between for it to be good Karma for me to mention this.
In going through this week’s San Francisco Bay Guardian, I espied a little blurb that said “Cartoonist wanted. The Guardian is looking for a cartoonist to take the place of the retired TROUBLETOWN. Must be: Funny. Different. Political. Have Some Local Connection. email samples to No calls, please.â€
If you get a gig because you saw this here, you owe me lunch!
Ready to kick off the New Year? Ae Workshops is excited to get a jump on it and fill our calendar with tons of fun events. Join us every third Wednesday of the month from 6:30-8:30 at Altered Esthetics for Suit Up Ae, an evening of figure drawing …in costume! Volunteer models will suit up in a costume that best fits the theme of the month.
We will draw a variety of poses, for what is sure to be a pleasurable evening of figure drawing with a new twist. Bring your sketchbook & drawing implement of choice. Suggested Donation 3$.
If you’re interested in modeling for a Suit Up Ae drawing night (or know someone who might be) please contact Kristy or Cassie at
Altered Esthetics
1224 Quincy St NE, Mpls MN 55413
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