Category Archives: Opportunities

Lupus Foundation Cartooning Opportunity

Friend of the Conspiracy and author of the upcoming book Superheroes, Strip Artists, & Talking Animals: Minnesota’s Contemporary Cartoonists, Britt Aamodt, has passed on the following opportunity to us…

I think I may be covering part of Springcon for the Lupus Foundation of MN newsletter. I guess the con collects money for the Lupus fdn.

The Foundation newsletter editor, Sara Otto, was hoping one of you talented cartoonists would create a small Lupus Foundation-themed cartoon for their newsletter. I told her that would be a lot of work for someone–with no pay–but if you know a cartoonist who’d like to get his/her work in print this is a chance. They can contact Sara at: sotto (at)

CALL FOR ARTISTS : 2010 City Pages Comix Issue!

City Pages has agreed to work with Minneapolis Indie Xpo to produce its 2010 Comix Issue!

Please refer to the information on the MIX website for specifics and write to me (Sarah Morean : with any questions.  LINK

The deadline for submissions is Monday, August 9, 2010.  Please refer to the site’s FAQ and GUIDELINES sections for clarification on some changes to this year’s Comix Issue.  We hope that by tweaking a few key things, we can have a truly excellent print and online edition this year that highlights much of the area’s top cartooning talent.  I hope you’ll agree.  More importantly, I hope you’ll make the time to participate!

This year’s theme: declaration of independence.  Write about whatever makes you feel independent!

You have 107 days to go.  Can’t wait to see what you all come up with!

Shared Studio Space Available NOW!

Cartoonist Steve Robbin is looking for a studio mate to share a 200 sq. foot studio at Sevens Square Center for the Arts in Minneapolis.  The space would be incredibly cheap to share — probably $100-$150.

Anyone interested in splitting the space with Steve should contact him at

Stevens Square Center for the Arts, for reference, has hosted the Twin Cities Zinefest for the past several years.

Stwalley Reviews Cartooning Supplies at Wet Paint

Pentel Pocket Brush Pen Poster

I recently did some product reviews for our friends at Wet Paint. You can read them here. Since they are the best and the friendliest art supply store I have ever been to, and since they have generously supported the Conspiracy for a number of events (including most of the 24 Hour Comics Days), it was a pleasure to do it. They are looking for more reviews… if you are interested in contributing some product reviews to them, let me know and I’ll get you in touch with them. You can email me at:


You gotta do this. I’m not kidding.

[Square foot art]

If you are a Minnesota artist, you have to do this.

Every ten years, the Minneapolis Institute of Art allows anyone to hang work in their gallery. The only requirements: Be a Minnesotan. The piece of art has to measure one cubic foot or less. Could be a cool page. A panel you like. An animation cel. A small sculpture. Anything.

(In the fine print it says something about not allowing living things, bugs, plants, liquids or hazardous materials — and some more stuff. Read the rules. But there’s not much more to it than one cubic foot.)

From the Web site: WHO QUALIFIES: Anyone living in Minnesota who considers him- or herself an artist. Limit one (1) artwork per artist.

The show is called “Foot In The Door 4.” And it’s a madhouse. When all the pieces are displayed it’s almost impossible to look at. Many walls crammed with one-foot square things. But still — there you are, in the same building as Rembrandt and Van Gogh and all those other famous dead guys.

You gotta do this.

Deadline: Thursday, Feb. 4 through Sunday, Feb. 7.


Get Your Comics to the Source for Indy and Alt Comic Week Before December 23rd!

The Source is putting a lot of effort into the upcoming Indy and Alt Comic Week, and they want your books to sell before December 23rd! It is a great opportunity to have your work reach an audience that may not normally check it out… and they are offering to buy at least 4 copies of your publications outright! I hope a lot of you take advantage of their extreme generosity and hospitality!

1601 West Larpenteur Avenue
Falcon Heights – Minnesota – 55113
651.645.0386 – –

A Message to our Creative Community
Indy Comic Book Logo
Hello Everyone,

We want to feature your Independent & Alternative Comics/Comic Books for our special event starting the week of December 28, 2009! As you may have heard, Diamond Comics has decided that in the last week in Deecmber this year, there will be very few new comic books shipping from major publishers to comic book stores across America. As a result, the Source has decided to take this opportunity to showcase and promote local/regional Independent & Alternative Comic Books and Cartoonists. That is to say we plan on using our entire new comic book rack to feature their works for the entire week of December 28-January 3. The reason I’m writing to you today is to invite you to participate and get your book on the rack.

Here’s the general outline:
1) We’d like to buy 4-10 copies of your most current published work to put on the rack.
We’re limiting each creator to a maximum of two spots to insure as much access by as
many different creators as possible.
2) We’d like to have it delivered here ASAP with December 23 being the drop dead date.
3) We are limited to 155 display spots on our new rack. First come first served.
4) We love all formats! Mini-Comics, Tear Sheets, Printed Peculiarities all welcome!

Further Info:
1) One of our staff members, Burl Zorn, is going to be the main contact at the Source for
this event. All activity, questions and contacts should be directed at him (see contact info
above). Call Burl at 651-645-0386
2) Before you send or deliver any comics, please make sure that you’ve spoken to Burl about

I sincerely hope that you’re able to participate. What a great opportunity! We’re going to encourage fans to break from their buying habits and try something new. Now is the time and this is the place!

Thanks for your time! Hope to hear from you!


Dominic Postiglione
Source Comics & Games

Eisner Spirit of Retailing Award Winner
ComicsPRO Member


A Message to our Creative Community
Indy Comic Book Logo
Hello Everyone,

Time is of the essence! We want to feature your Independent & Alternative Comics/Comic Books for our special event starting the week of December 28, 2009! There seems to be some confusion regarding participation in the Source Mini Indy Con and us buying your books. You don’t have to be part of the Mini Indy Con for us to feature your books! We’re planning on using our entire new comic book rack to feature their works for the entire week of December 28-January 3. There’s still time for you to bring your books up and get involved!

Here’s the general outline:
1) We’d like to buy 4-10 copies of your most current published work to put on the rack.
We’re limiting each creator to a maximum of two spots to insure as much access by as
many different creators as possible.
2) We’d like to have it delivered here ASAP with December 23 being the drop dead date.
3) We are limited to 155 display spots on our new rack. First come first served.
4) We love all formats! Mini-Comics, Tear Sheets, Printed Peculiarities all welcome!

Further Info:
1) One of our staff members, Burl Zorn, is going to be the main contact at the Source for
this event. All activity, questions and contacts should be directed at him (see contact info
above). Call Burl at 651-645-0386
2) Before you deliver any comics, please make sure that you’ve spoken to Burl about it!

I sincerely hope that you’re able to participate. What a great opportunity! We’re going to encourage fans to break from their buying habits and try something new. Now is the time and this is the place!

Thanks for your time! Hope to hear from you!


Dominic Postiglione
Source Comics & Games

Eisner Spirit of Retailing Award Winner
ComicsPRO Member



Local Comics Week is a chance to show off local and independent talent.
Other cities besides Minneapolis have organized their own events
nationwide, and have even joined forces to create Indy Comic Week
( which is aiming to do what we
have all set out to do with our event.

Our event is changing a bit. The Source Comics and Games in Roseville, MN
( is participating in Indy Comics Week and
after a few discussions with Nick, the organizer of their event, we have
decided to join forces and allow our event to be folded into Indy Comics

What does this mean? Quite a lot, actually.

Big Brain Comics is stepping out of the event, and our comics will now be
sold at the Source. Nick is also preparing for a signing event for
participating artists.

So, here is what you need to know:

-I will no longer be collecting the comics that you would like to submit
for the event. Instead, any material (mini comics, zines, trade
paperbacks, graphic novels) must be brought to the Source between December
21 and December 26th. Mind they will likely have shorter hours on
Christmas Eve and closed on Christmas. The nice thing is that the Source
WANTS to purchase your hard worked creations. How much they will purchase
items for, quantity, etc is up to the Source.

Remember, what you bring to the Source does NOT need to be new material!

-The material will be put out on the racks on Sunday December 27th and will
remain there until January 2nd.

-Wednesday, December 30th is the BIG event. The Source will be hosting a
signing for indy cartoonists. Space IS limited. In order to be a guest at
the signing, you MUST email Nick at the Source with “Attention Nick/Indy
Comis Week in the first line of ‘your message’ to request a spot. The
signing will be 4pm until 8pm.

-You DO NOT have to provide anything to the Source to sell in order to be a
guest at the signing.

-You DO NOT have to be a guest at the Source in order to sell them your

That’s about it. If there is anything you want to know, please email me (bob(at)

FALLCON IS THIS WEEKEND!!! Volunteer to represent the Conspiracy at Fallcon!

Fallcon is this weekend!

Click the above image to go to the Fallcon website.

We have some volunteers for Fallcon this year, but we could definitely use some more. We’re planning to have a “Conspiracy lounge” again this year. Ideally, we would like a minimum of two people to be in the lounge at all times during the convention. It is a pretty casual and fun affair, and a good opportunity to get to know some of your fellow cartoonists better. We also need some comfy couches and chairs, if you can bring them. If you can volunteer or provide weekend furnishings for the lounge, please contact me at:

Thanks much!

Art teacher needed

The teacher who was going to lead this class dropped out. The class is next week, so if you’re interested, get in touch with Mary Cummings at 952-563-8569 or Kathleen Corley at 952-563-8745 or e-mail Kathleen at kcorley [at] bloomingtonartcenter [dot] com

Drawing Fantasy & Sci-Fi
If you are into fantasy (Eragon, Twilight, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc.) and you are interested in learning how to draw these figures, this is the class for you! Using a variety of techniques and materials, we will work from pictures, models and, most importantly, your imagination. Join us for this fantastical art experience. Grades 7 – 9 August 3 – 7 (M – F). (Kids arrive via bus about 9:50 a.m.; teacher should be in classroom setting up by 9:30 a.m., and expect to stay until around 12:15, until kids leave) (Pay: $375 for the week).

NOTE TO POTENTIAL INSTRUCTORS: This class description allows for your interpretation and has considerable flexibility. We anticipate kids will be familiar with graphic novels and manga/animae, but will want help with drawing styles and storydevelopment/storyboarding.

Mary Cummings
Education Director
Bloomington Art Center
1800 W. Old Shakopee Rd.
Bloomington MN 55431