Category Archives: artists

Lor’Avvu — New ongoing series by local artist Maxeem

Hello fellow cartoonists! I am finally tip-toeing into the world of web comics.

I am not abandoning The Civil Four (Casey and I are actually working on issues 5 and 6 right now, and those will be paper printed because it fits the book) but I am starting something else — I did my take on epic space opera (Ex Novo Libris) and this will be a less tongue-in-cheek epic fantasy comic. It’s a web comic with interspersed animations and collaborations from musicians:

Meet Avvu!

external Avvu PNG image clickable space age hyperlink

Avvu is an intersexed hero on a large Earth-like planet undergoing a vast war between its three main genders (female, lale, male), and naturally the main character wants to stop the gender war but has to spend a lifetime of adventures learning the lessons on just how to do so … or whether ze can do it at all! We begin the story outside the story, on Earth, listening to a couple of old creative grandparents begin the tale for their village kids.

Grandma and Grandpa are promising magic, adventure, unique races (the main race is basically a fairy people) and unique languages particular to the world. I am putting a lot of effort into making it rewarding for people who spend time exploring it, but quality enough to just entertain the eyes. So please feel free to read it casually or in-depth. (It is at and also accessible from Current chapter is updated every Tuesday. And you have my word on that. I have no idea how long it will take me to finish it but I estimate about 10 to 20 years.

1987 BBC Documentary About R. Crumb

Hello. Mike “Brain Food” Toft here. I just watched this BBC documentary about R. Crumb from 1987 that’s worth a look. Crumb wrote it himself, so I assume it’s showing him the way he wanted to be shown.

The Confessions of Robert Crumb: A Portrait Scripted by the Underground Comics Legend Himself (1987)

It’s not that much new information if you’ve seen “Crumb” (1994), but still worth checking out. This Open Culture web site looks interesting, too. You’re welcome.

Rain Taxi is launching a new Lit Art Magazine and wants YOU!


Okay so recently Rain Taxi decided to launch a literary journal and is including COMICS! The deal is that on Aug 25th at the Cedar the event will launch with art making and local bands, and all the content for the issue will be made between noon and midnight, which is old hat for you comic jammers. They asked me to be the comics editor and I thought of you guys immediately. Who better to do this than 24 hour comics day veterans?

The deal is though, that Rain Taxi is crowd funding the project in the style of Kickstarter. And the funding seems to be creeping so it is going to need all the help it can get to become a reality.

The main reason that I am campaigning so much for this project among many other equally worthy projects is that I think it is a VERY IMPORTANT step in Minneapolis art/print scene that Rain Taxi from the get go decided to give COMICS an equal billing along with the more familiar short stories, poetry and non fiction. I think if this project makes it it will be another step towards comics being seen as an integral part of such anthologies and not an afterthought or oddity.

So that all said, if this sounds like something you’d want to participate in or help support here is where you do it. (Also read more about the details)


Firecracker Art magazine Seeder Page


Also if your work is selected this is gonna be a really nice book on the resume 😉

Grimalkin Press in the MPLS

Hey guys my name is Jordan Shiveley and I run Grimalkin Press, a small publishing house for indie comics. Steve thought you guys might be interested in hearing about a few things we have going on so here it is:

1. The deadline for submissions for the sixth issue of HIVE: A Somewhat Quarterly Comics Anthology has been set at April 1st.


1-15 pages

Black and White or Greyscale

at least 300 dpi tiff preferably higher

No theme required

5.5×8.5 page format

2. HIVE FIVE is now available for preorder here. It is full of cartoonists ranging from Brazil, Germany, Scotland, UK and some of your very own Minnesotans.

3. We are accepting submissions for a one shot anthology themed around “JOBS IN FOOD SERVICE” There is not a due date as of yet and the tech specs are the same as the HIVE antho.


Looking forward to getting to know and working with the local cartoonist scene

all submissions should be sent to


-Jordan Shiveley


Cartoonist John Bush, 1954-2006

From the TagTeam.TV website:

Our friend John Bush created this illustration for the Tag Team website, just months before his untimely death of non-smokers lung cancer in 2006. John was a talented illustrator, whose cartoons were featured in St. Paul Pioneer Press, Mpls. St. Paul Magazine, and many other publications.
He was also a diehard Packer fan, who proudly heralded from La Crosse, Wisonsin. But most importantly, he was a beloved husband, devoted father of three, and friend to many. We miss him.

My aunt Virginia lives in Edina. Over the past several years, as my cartooning has grown from interest to obsession, she’s occasionally mentioned an old friend and neighbor of hers, the late cartoonist John Bush.

More recently, she mentioned to Bush’s wife, Nancy, that she has a niece who likes making comics. Nancy said that she’s been going through some of her husband’s old art supplies, and would I be interested in taking any of them? I said, of course!

Aunt Virginia drove to my parents’ house in Northfield for a visit this weekend. She left the supplies from Nancy on their giant basement craft table. Thus it was that, on this snowy Minnesota morning, I found myself gazing upon…the holy grail of art supplies!

Box upon box of every kind of art supply, ranging from functional to fanciful!

I’m always intrigued by the materials that fellow cartoonists use: if I could, I would poke my way into all of their personal studios, to get a detailed idea of what they use, how they use it, and how they organize it.

To have so many of John Bush’s art materials bestowed upon me is one of the coolest things that has ever happened to me as a cartoonist. I only wish I could ask him about this stuff, to learn more about how he used it. I’m not even sure what all of it is, or if he actually used all of it. Maybe, like my mom and me, he was a guy who never passed up an opportunity for cheap craft and art supplies–especially the weird used stuff found in junk boxes at garage sales.

(Do any cartoonists out there know how to use that thick rubber stuff? Does anyone have any idea what that giant hole-puncher thing is for?)

The paper was one of the most exciting parts to me. There is so much of it. In every size and weight and style you can think of! Lots and lots and lots of Bristol.

(Is anyone familiar with that strange TV Paper? Is it for storyboarding? It’s got those little TV screens printed on every sheet.)

There are all kind of mattes for framing things. And rub-on letters and numbers that I’m curious to test out in a comic sometime soon. And stack after stack of sketch paper!

Then there are the paints. I have almost zero experience with painting, but my younger sister, a studio art major at Grinnell College, will no doubt find much use for them.

Coolest of all? Some copies of a poster Bush made for a local jazz radio station…and a page of some of his original doodles! They remind me a bit of Jules Feiffer. I like them.

Cartoonists are good people. I never get tired of learning about them. I really loved this opportunity to peek into John Bush’s creative process, by way of the tools he left behind. I will think of him whenever I use them.

Influence young minds!

My name is Jenny Sullivan and I work for the School Age Care program for ISD #197.

The week of July 26th I will be teaching a comic book making class for the School Age Care summer program.

I am contacting you to see if you may know of any local cartoonist that would be willing to volunteer their time to come speak to my students about their careers?

If you are interested, please send me an e-mail.

jenjer925 [“at” symbol]




Local Comics Week is a chance to show off local and independent talent.
Other cities besides Minneapolis have organized their own events
nationwide, and have even joined forces to create Indy Comic Week
( which is aiming to do what we
have all set out to do with our event.

Our event is changing a bit. The Source Comics and Games in Roseville, MN
( is participating in Indy Comics Week and
after a few discussions with Nick, the organizer of their event, we have
decided to join forces and allow our event to be folded into Indy Comics

What does this mean? Quite a lot, actually.

Big Brain Comics is stepping out of the event, and our comics will now be
sold at the Source. Nick is also preparing for a signing event for
participating artists.

So, here is what you need to know:

-I will no longer be collecting the comics that you would like to submit
for the event. Instead, any material (mini comics, zines, trade
paperbacks, graphic novels) must be brought to the Source between December
21 and December 26th. Mind they will likely have shorter hours on
Christmas Eve and closed on Christmas. The nice thing is that the Source
WANTS to purchase your hard worked creations. How much they will purchase
items for, quantity, etc is up to the Source.

Remember, what you bring to the Source does NOT need to be new material!

-The material will be put out on the racks on Sunday December 27th and will
remain there until January 2nd.

-Wednesday, December 30th is the BIG event. The Source will be hosting a
signing for indy cartoonists. Space IS limited. In order to be a guest at
the signing, you MUST email Nick at the Source with “Attention Nick/Indy
Comis Week in the first line of ‘your message’ to request a spot. The
signing will be 4pm until 8pm.

-You DO NOT have to provide anything to the Source to sell in order to be a
guest at the signing.

-You DO NOT have to be a guest at the Source in order to sell them your

That’s about it. If there is anything you want to know, please email me (bob(at)