#FANUARY is an art project where participants create an image of some person, place or thing they are a fan of every day for the month of January, and then post the image and tag it #FANUARY on social media such as Twitter or Instagram. Bring in the new year by appreciating and sharing the things you love! There are no rules, and anyone can participate.
Category Archives: Projects
Mini-Comics Day is March 8th!
Mini-Comics Day is coming up fast! Tell your friends!
If you plan on hosting a Mini-Comics Day event, contact us at to have your event added to the list. Read more about what is involved in hosting an event in the FAQ.
In Minneapolis, we’ll be having a Mini-Comics Day mini-comics swap in the evening at a location to be determined.
ROCK INK ROLL Submissions Due July 15th!
The deadline for the ROCK INK ROLL music comics anthology is coming up fast! Read all the details here! Cartoonists from anywhere in the world can participate. Spread the word!
Cartoonists in a Cave at Northern Spark 2013 (June 8th)
We’ve been invited by our friends at Rain Taxi to participate in their wonderful Analog Cave project at the Northern Spark festival coming up on June 8th. Participating cartoonists will be drawing interpretations of writings provided by strangers submitted thru a mail slot, which will then be projected, put online, printed and/or otherwise displayed.
So you can be included in the promotional materials, we need to know in advance if you want to participate and what time slots you want to be there for (which can be as short as a few hours or as long as all night from 6PM to 9AM). If you want to be in on the fun, let me know at webmaster(at)cartoonistconspiracy.com.
BEER, PIZZA and DRAWING MATERIALS will be provided!
Rain Taxi and mnartists.org join forces to create a writer’s dream at Northern Spark, the third annual all-night art fest!
Analog Cave combines the tactile intimacy of a handwritten letter with the fleeting immediacy of social media. Throughout Northern Spark, mnartists.org and Rain Taxi Review of Books invite the public to enter our decked-out Imaginarium for a moment of private reflection and contribute a short text or illustration through a variety of analog tools and processes. The crowd-sourced content will undergo a real-time editorial process which will convert the entries into filmic projections, printed objects, drawn posters, or other public displays—all viewable from Bedlam’s street-side window in Lowertown. The goal of the project is to create a platform for thoughtful, slowed-down messages which leave behind a physical object.
Bedlam Theater
213 East 4th Street
Lowertown, St. Paul
Get directions HERE.
Dr. Dan McNamara’s Nematode Pamphlet Project
Conspirator Dr. Dan McNamara (founder of the currently inactive Mini-Comics Co-op) has successfully funded his kickstarter to tell the world about nematodes using cutting-edge pamphlet technology. That, however, does not mean you will not want to support his noble efforts. You still have a week to support his cause. Go here to learn more, and illuminate yourself by viewing the video below.
Sushi Box Collating this Thursday
We’ll be collating the Lutefisk Sushi Volume E boxes this Thursday at 8:00 at AE. We could use some extra hands getting the boxes filled… just show up if you want to help out and get a sneak preview of the amazing contents of the box.
Vote to Determine the Topic of the 2013 Comic Art Show at AE
Here are the proposed possible topics for the 2013 Comic Art show to be held at Altered Esthetics gallery in Minneapolis (based on verbal discussions and the online discussion here). (AE is hosting our Lutefisk Sushi Volume E show this November)
The option with the most votes will be the basis of next year’s project.
Please only vote if you intend to participate in the project. Note that you do NOT have to be a resident of Minnesota to participate in the 2013 project.
Here are the proposed topics:
Comic Music Project: cartoons about or inspired by music, packaged with record or cd
Poster Art Project: posters of huge cartoon canvasses
Public Domain Anthology: cartoon reinterpretations of public domain works (like Grimm fairy tales for example)
Moving Parts Show: Comics with a moving element (like pop-up mechanisms, for example)
Punchline: Anthology of comics about death
Mystery Box: Mysterious limited edition box full of mysterious comics and art.
Voting ends sometime on August 10th. Sometime shortly after that we will be taking nominations and voting on a featured artist for the show.
Vote for the Lutefisk Sushi Volume E Featured Artist
We will be doing another one of our Lutefisk Sushi box-full-of-handmade-Minnesota-mini-comics shows at Altered Esthetics next year, and the time has come to pick a featured artist. As usual, this being Minnesota, we have a wonderful selection of nominees… I’d be delighted to see any of them win. You can preview the artists’ work by clicking on the images below, which will take you to their websites.
We’ve dusted off the old message board for the voting… you’re encouraged to pimp for your candidates in the comments. Please only vote if you are a Minnesota artist who plans to participate in the show. Thanks!
Poll ends sometime on September First.
Lutefisk Sushi: Volume E — The Ballot Boxes Are Open!

Hey cartoonists!
Minnesota’s premier comics art show LUTEFISK SUSHI is back for its fifth season in 2012. While the opening reception is over fifteen months away, we need to decide on a featured artist ASAP! As in past years, the featured artist will design the sushi box, and will have a whole wall devoted to their artwork during the gallery show at Altered Esthetics in November, 2012. See websites of past shows here.
To nominate a cartoonist, please send the following info to nordeastcomics [at] gmail.com:
– The artist’s name
– The artist’s website (if there is one)
– The artist’s email (so we can contact them to confirm if they want to run)
NOTE: Artists must reside in Minnesota or have some strong connection to the state.
NOTE: If an artist does not wish to be nominated, or does not respond to us before August 25, they will not be listed as a nominee.
August 15: Nominations open
August 25: Nominations close; Voting begins
September 1: Voting closes at noon; Winner is formally announced at 6pm at the Nordeast Comics Summit, and online.
As in past years, voting will take place on www.cartoonistconspiracy.com/conspire. So jump on that site between August 25 and September 1 to vote! Voters must register on the Cartoonist Conspiracy website (it’s free). Voters may vote only once.
Past featured artists are Vincent Stall, Ken Avidor, Kevin Cannon, and Danno Klonowski.
Questions? Post them in the comments section below.
Just Add Ink Deadline Reminder Graphic by Kevin Cannon (June 15th!)
Kevin Cannon recently made some “reminder images” for the Just Add Ink deadline for people to post to their blogs, websites, social networking sites, or to relay via tin cans attached with taut string. Please link them to: cartoonistconspiracy.com/justaddink
If you are not inclined to upload the image yourself, here is embed code for the 200 pixel wide version:
<a href="http://cartoonistconspiracy.com/justaddink"><img src="http://cartoonistconspiracy.com/justaddink/images/justaddink_subad_200.jpg"></a>
They are also available in 150, 300, 400, 600 and 800 pixel wide sizes. You can embed any of these sizes by replacing the 200 in the embed code with the appropriate number.
Click here to download Just Add Ink Submission Reminder images like the one above in all sizes.
Please do help spread the word!