Category Archives: Minneapolis

Rain Taxi is launching a new Lit Art Magazine and wants YOU!


Okay so recently Rain Taxi decided to launch a literary journal and is including COMICS! The deal is that on Aug 25th at the Cedar the event will launch with art making and local bands, and all the content for the issue will be made between noon and midnight, which is old hat for you comic jammers. They asked me to be the comics editor and I thought of you guys immediately. Who better to do this than 24 hour comics day veterans?

The deal is though, that Rain Taxi is crowd funding the project in the style of Kickstarter. And the funding seems to be creeping so it is going to need all the help it can get to become a reality.

The main reason that I am campaigning so much for this project among many other equally worthy projects is that I think it is a VERY IMPORTANT step in Minneapolis art/print scene that Rain Taxi from the get go decided to give COMICS an equal billing along with the more familiar short stories, poetry and non fiction. I think if this project makes it it will be another step towards comics being seen as an integral part of such anthologies and not an afterthought or oddity.

So that all said, if this sounds like something you’d want to participate in or help support here is where you do it. (Also read more about the details)


Firecracker Art magazine Seeder Page


Also if your work is selected this is gonna be a really nice book on the resume 😉

Reminder: CITY PAGES COMIX ISSUE submissions due July 25

Don’t forget that your City Pages Comix Issue submissions are due next week on July 25! Full details can be found on CP’s website:

I’ve seen a few submissions and works-in-progress, and they look fantastic! Keep ’em coming, and let’s load up Mike’s inbox with great material!

And as with all of these events, please spread the word to anyone you think might be interested! The CP Comix Issue is the one of the best tools we have to show people what a thriving indie cartooning scene we have here in the Twin Cities.


Altered Esthetics 2013 Comic Art Project

Altered Esthetics gallery, our collaborators on numerous projects including the upcoming Lutefisk Sushi Volume E show, needs us to figure out what we want to do for the 2013 comic art show they will be hosting.

Here is a forum thread for discussing the possibilities.

A few possible options to get the discussion started:

1) Comic poster art show
2) Book anthology on a theme
3) “Mystery box” of mini-comics and other mysterious strangeness

Please only suggest ideas you are interested in actively helping make a reality. Thanks for participating!

Come Jam in Minneapolis Thursday July 5th!

The Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy meets at 6:30 until 10:00 the first Thursday of every month at Diamond’s Coffee Shoppe in Northeast.

Generally, we draw collaborative “jam” comics, socialize and drink caffeinated beverages. Afterwords, we often have uncaffeinated beverages somewhere else.

The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are posted here sooner or later (and sometimes even printed).

Diamond’s Coffee Shoppe
1618 Central Avenue Northeast
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Bus info here.

Please spend some money at Diamond’s while you’re there, even if it is just a cuppa coffee… they are excellent hosts, and we wanna stay welcome there.

The Art of Writing Comics Class at The Loft

There is an upcoming Art of Writing Comics class at the Loft being taught by Tom Spence on Tuesdays from July 10th to August 14th. Here is the info:

Comics are, most often, a blend of words and images interwoven to produce a whole story. There is a certain alchemy to the process of comic making. And while there is no right or wrong kind of comic, the storytellers must know what it is they want to accomplish on their pages. That is why a well-structured script is essential. It not only establishes a strong foundation for the words, but also for the images, and is essential for a story’s success. Through exercise, discussion, and analysis of comic professionals like writers Alan Moore, Warren Ellis, and Garth Ennis and writer/ artists like Craig Thompson and Brian Lee O’Malley, students will find the advantages of scripting their stories and learn the fundamentals of a complete comic narrative.

Go here to register.

Submit to Creative Property Show at Altered Esthetics (Deadline July 15th)

Besides putting on the annual comic art show (like this year’s Lutefisk Sushi event, deadline September 15th), Altered Esthetics gallery somehow manages to put on a show every month… which is incredibly impressive for a non-profit, community-run gallery. You can keep up with all of their open calls for submissions here.

Another event many of you may want to consider submitting to is the Creative Property show (deadline July 15ht). The show features a look at the issues surrounding and the boundaries of intellectual property ownership, issues that are certainly often on the minds of cartoonists.

Can a person claim ownership of an intangible asset? Artists face the issues of copyright and trademark as they relate to originality and creativity.

Go here to submit.

Suit Up at Altered Esthetics Tonight! (Wednesday, June 20th)

Did you know they have live drawing sessions every month at Altered Esthetics (third Wednesdays)? Well, they do. In costumes! Another of the many reasons to love AE. Info below.

Time to suit up! Join us every third Wednesday of the month for an evening of figure drawing …in costume! Volunteer models will suit up in a costume that best fits the theme of the month. This months suit up is titled “Cleanin’ out the Closets”. Our models this month will be suiting up in some of their old threads that most likely should have been donated to goodwill long ago. If you want, you can model too, the help would be greatly appreciated! No previous experience is needed, just a laid back attitude.

We will draw a variety of poses, for what is sure to be a pleasurable evening of figure drawing with a twist. Bring your sketchbook & drawing implement of choice. Suggested Donation 3$.

If you’re interested in modeling for this event or any another Suit Up event in the future please contact Cassie at workshops(at)

Thanks and hope to see you there!

Minneapolis Jam and Double Barrel Party at Big Time Attic Tonight! (Thursday, June 7th)

Party at Big Time Attic tonight to celebrate the release of their fantastic Double Barrel anthology, currently taking the world by storm! Click the image below for more info.


This month’s Nordeast Comics Summit topic: The History of Comics with Jon Sloan

TIME: 6 – 6:30 pm (right before the Cartoonist Conspiracy Jam)

LOCATION: 1618 Central Ave NE, Ste. 216, Nordeast MPLS


And, of course:

Please join us to draw some jam comics, socialize and drink caffeinated beverages. Afterwards, we often have uncaffeinated beverages somewhere else.

The Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy meets at 6:30 until 10:00 the first Thursday of every month at Diamond’s Coffee Shoppe in Northeast.

The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are posted here sooner or later (and sometimes even printed). Diamond’s Coffee Shoppe 1618 Central Avenue Northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota

Bus info here.

Please spend some money at Diamond’s while you’re there, even if it is just a cuppa coffee… they are excellent hosts, and we wanna stay welcome there.

WANTED: Caricaturist for FLOW Northside Arts Crawl

Emerge Community Development is seeking an artist to do caricatures at the FLOW Northside Arts Crawl Saturday, July 28th, from 2-6pm. FLOW is a free, self-guided art tour in North Minneapolis, featuring performers and visual artists working in a variety of mediums. If you are interested in drawing caricatures at this event, or if you have any questions, please contact Miles Johnson at