Category Archives: Minneapolis

Just Add Ink Meeting at Psycho Suzi’s Tomorrow (March 15th) at 9PM

Again, way too late notice… my apologies. Please, please do come and get involved if you are wanting to help get our cartoonist cookbook together for our Just Add Ink show at Altered Esthetics in August.

Agenda from Jamie:

Hello All,

Just a reminder that we’ve got a meeting scheduled for tomorrow, 9:00pm, Psycho Suzi’s.

Preliminary Agenda
Decide roles
Decide on how submissions will work (Maybe a “Plan A” and “Plan B” depending on funding)
Talk about print processes and options (bring budgets and figures if you have any)
Website stuffs

Tuesday March 15th, 9:00pm – Psycho Suzi’s.

Action Items (from last meeting)
Everybody to look into the cost of printing various types of pages and books. (binders, etc.)
We can bring this information with us to the next meeting to make an educated decision.
Everybody think about roles and how you want to be involved.
Jamie to draft sponsorship level and create spreadsheet for sharing
Jamie will bring a few budget drafts to the next meeting
Danno to bake us all a cake

Some things to establish:
Submission guidelines
“Mini-grants” guidelines and budget (and checklist for Ae staff)
Distribution guidelines (This came up last time. 1 book per artist? Or 1 book per entry?)
What will go on the preliminary site (and who is creating it?)

Looking forward to seeing all of you tomorrow!

Minneapolis Jam #100: March 2011

Last night was our big 100th jam anniversary. Quick summary: We packed Diamond’s, left a mess. Then moved to Psycho Suzis, and left a mess. By meeting #200 I assume we’ll be trashing hotel rooms. But in spite of all the fun we still managed to get some drawing done, and it is presented below.

The theme this month is:

Insects vs. Vampire Role Players vs. Live-Tweeting

Hello, Friend.
Click image for pdf — a catty 6.4 mb!

Please enjoy.

Grimalkin Press in the MPLS

Hey guys my name is Jordan Shiveley and I run Grimalkin Press, a small publishing house for indie comics. Steve thought you guys might be interested in hearing about a few things we have going on so here it is:

1. The deadline for submissions for the sixth issue of HIVE: A Somewhat Quarterly Comics Anthology has been set at April 1st.


1-15 pages

Black and White or Greyscale

at least 300 dpi tiff preferably higher

No theme required

5.5×8.5 page format

2. HIVE FIVE is now available for preorder here. It is full of cartoonists ranging from Brazil, Germany, Scotland, UK and some of your very own Minnesotans.

3. We are accepting submissions for a one shot anthology themed around “JOBS IN FOOD SERVICE” There is not a due date as of yet and the tech specs are the same as the HIVE antho.


Looking forward to getting to know and working with the local cartoonist scene

all submissions should be sent to


-Jordan Shiveley


JUST ADD INK Preliminary Meeting this Tuesday at Psycho Suzi’s 9:00PM

We are having a preliminary meeting for our upcoming cartoonist cookbook show, Just Add Ink, this Tuesday at Psycho Suzi’s at 9PM, where we will start to get our plan together. If you want to get involved in organizing the show, I encourage you to show up. Sorry for the short notice, I meant to get this information posted sooner. If you want to participate in organizing the show and can’t show up Tuesday, please let me know so we can get you on our planning email list (email me at webmaster(at)

Don’t worry, participation in the show will be open to anyone who wants to participate… so please do not show up if you want to participate in the show, but have no interest in helping put it together.

Photo Gallery from MIX 2010

I had not previously seen this photo gallery on Metromix Twin Cities from the 2010 MIX festival.

The MIX festival was recently mentioned on the Star Tribune website in the story “11 more for 2011.”

As last year’s 1,000 fanboys (and girls) will attest, not all comic-book conventions are about dressing up like Batman. The Minneapolis Indie Xpo features indie comics dedicated not to super powers, but to the power of storytelling.

Nov. 5-6, Soap Factory, 518 SE. 2nd St., Mpls. Free.,

The event is now listed on the Soap Factory website.

Note that MIX has an active Twitter feed here.

Mark your calendars! Only 8 months and change until MIX 2011!

Reminder: Mark Siegel of First Second Books to Speak at The Loft February 26th… UPDATE: Also at MCAD February 25th

The Loft is hosting Mark Siegel, the editorial director of First Second Books, in a special Q&A session this February 26 from 10 a.m. to noon at Open Book. You can learn more here (PDF).

UPDATE: In addition to the Loft event (although I don’t see it listed anywhere on their site), MCAD is hosting Mr. Siegel on February 25th:

Don’t miss a visual talk on Graphic Novels Today with publisher Mark Siegel of First Second Books! This FREE event takes place at MCAD’s College Center (on the second floor) at 6:30 pm this Friday. Come after work and be transformed (no radioactive spiders involved). Parking is available at the nearby MIA ramp and on local streets.

Thanks to Michael Drivas for passing that info on to me!

About Mark Siegel:

In 2006, Mark Siegel launched an ambitious collection of graphic novels in every age category, in a wide range of themes and styles, with talent from all over the world. In its first year, American Born Chinese became the first comic ever nominated for a National Book Award, and soon afterwards, the first to win the coveted librarians’ Printz Award. Many be­loved indie cartoonists make up First Second’s stellar author line-up, from Sara Varon to Scott McCloud, Jessica Abel to Paul Pope, Eddie Campbell to Joann Sfar, and many others— including seasoned talents and newcomers, with projects in fiction and nonfiction, for children and for adults. In addition to First Second, Mark Siegel has a number of projects of his own, has illustrated several award-winning pictures (Seadogs, Long Night Moon, To Dance) and is currently serializing an adult graphic novel online (

More Minnesota Cartoonist Press

Ken Avidor has been added to the excellent list of artists included in City Pages 100 Creatives list.

The Pete Hodapp interview at the Daily Crosshatch has concluded:
[Part One][Part Two][Part Three][Part Four]

Will Dinski was recently a guest on Inkstuds.

Ryan Dow was recently featured on the Idiot Engine Podcast.

Lars Martinson was recently featured on the Deconstructing Comics podcast. Lars also had his work recently featured here and here.

Also, have you seen Sarah Morean’s Lunch Break posts at the Daily Crosshatch? She is posting regular links to webcomics there, and is looking for folks to contribute their lists. Here is the info on how to do that:

Would you like to guest edit Lunch Break? Send a self portrait (as a drawing or photograph) plus five links to your favorite webcomics to Sarah Morean at

Lunch Break is a short round-up of favorite webcomics appearing here each weekday at noon. Here’s something for you to enjoy over your lunch break or whenever. The premise is simple: it’s another day on the internet. Here’s a new or forgotten comic that seems interesting. Have something to recommend? Email us:

Those of you who were at last month’s Minneapolis jam really won’t want to miss this hilarious Action Athena comic.