Category Archives: Minneapolis

Mpls. Sat. Open Studio, Aug. 13, noon to 4 p.m.

[Artist water]

Hot, isn’t it? Stop by to cartoon and yap during the open studio. It’s got air conditioning. No wading pool, however.

Saturday, August 14, noon to 4 p.m., MCBA FlexiSpace (low tables)

If you can’t find us inside the MCBA building, ask the friendly person working in the MCBA bookstore. This is an open studio — all are welcome.

Minnesota Center for Book Arts
(Just down the street from Big Brain Comics)
1011 Washington Ave S, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone: 612-215-2520

Future Sat. Open Studios:
Sept. 11 Bindery
Oct. 2 (24-hour comics day) FlexiSpace
Nov. 27 Bindery
Dec. 18 Bindery

Lutefisk Sushi Volume D Opens This Friday! (August 6th)

Lutefisk Sushi Volume D opens this Friday! The show features a limited-edition (150), hand silkscreened, 3D bento box full of mini-comics by over 50 Minnesota cartoonists for only $25! See original art and other work by the cartoonists all over the walls of the gallery, including a bunch of work by featured artist Danno Klonowski (Manly Tales of Cowardice). Also, don’t miss little funny Series II, small boxes of micro-comics sold out of an old cigarette vending machine.

The show has been included in the A-List in this week’s City Pages.

Please tell your friends, blog readers, social networking website compadres, co-workers, parents, cousins, casual associates, and random people on the street of the opening this Friday, August 6th from 7 – 10 PM at Altered Esthetics!

Altered Esthetics • 1224 Quincy St NE, Mpls MN 55413   •   612.378.8888

Promotional materials below.

Postcard Resources!

Postcard front, small jpg

Postcard front, large pdf

Postcard back, small jpg

Postcard back, large pdf

Misc Show Sites

Sushi Website

Facebook Event

LSD – Facebook website

Lutefisk Sushi Artists Potluck this Saturday, July 31st!

The participating artist potluck for Lutefisk Sushi (and little funny Series II) is this Saturday, July 31st from 1-3PM at Altered Esthetics. If you participated in either project, I hope to see you there.

Some things to note:

– You can pick up your contributor Lutefisk Sushi Volume D box at the potluck! Don’t forget to get your name checked off the list when you do.

– This is the deadline to drop off your framed art to hang for the show. Please bring some, if possible. More than one item is great… too much art to fit on the walls is a much better position to be in than not enough! Note that it is not a requirement that the art you display be from your comic in the Sushi box.

– This is the deadline for dropping off your issues of little funny. There is still time to make one! Email me if you need a number:

– Pick up promotional Lutefisk Sushi Volume D postcards to distribute.

– Don’t forget to remind your friends, blog readers, co-workers, parents, cousins, casual associates, and random people on the street that the Lutefisk Sushi opening is Friday, August 6th from 7 – 10 PM! Promotional materials below.

– Bring one item of food… it is a potluck!

Postcard Resources!

Postcard front, small jpg

Postcard front, large pdf

Postcard back, small jpg

Postcard back, large pdf

Misc Show Sites

Sushi Website

Facebook Event

LSD – Facebook website

St. Paul Cartoonist Conspiracy Jam! This Thursday, July 15th, 2010!

Join the St. Paul Cartoonist Conspiracy Cell and create a jam comic at Cahoots Coffee! This locale provides us with not only a spacious room in the back of the shop, but also they have tasty mediterranean food for sale!

The jamming is easy and it’s a fun time! Just bring some drawing utensils, an idea for the jam, and a few bucks to get a tasty beverage or some chow — don’t forget to tip, the baristas really do appreciate that!

The jam will start promptly at 6:30 and run until 10:30 at the latest. Come earlier to reserve your space! Seating can be limited at times!

The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results will be posted here at some date yet to be determined.

To join us come to:
Cahoots Coffee
1562 Selby Ave
St Paul, MN 55104
(Southeast corner of Snelling and Selby)

More not than often we head on over to grab a brew at:
O’Gara’s Bar and Grill
164 Snelling Ave N
St. Paul, MN 55104
(Right next to Cahoots!)

Bus info here.

Hope to see you there!

The Conspiracy at The Minnesota Center For Book Arts 25th Annivesary Event this Saturday June 26th

Tomorrow from 1PM to 4PM, the Conspiracy will be collaborating with kids to make mini-comics and drawing caricatures on request as part of the Minnesota Center for Book Arts 25th Anniversary event. Cartoonists, feel free to just show up (ideally around 12:50) and participate. We’ll be in the Bindery.

The Minnesota Center for Book Arts has been a wonderful collaborator to the Twin Cities Conspiracy for a number of  years, donating our monthly open studio space, hosting our 24 hour comic days, and inviting us to participate in gallery shows in their space. They are a wonderful organization, and we feel very lucky to have them for friends.

More info here.

1-4pm: Make your own mini-comic with artists from the International Cartoonist Conspiracy, and get a personalized caricature! (for tweens and teens)

Special Minneapolis Jam This Saturday, June 19th, at The Loft in Minneapolis

We will be having a special jam this Saturday from 5:00 to 7:00 at the Loft Literary Center in conjunction with their Graphic Novel & Comic Book Writing and Illustrating Conference. As always, it will be open to anyone who wishes to participate… we hope to have a lot of new participants. Here is a PDF with a lot more information about the conference. See you there!

Mpls. Sat. Open Studio, June 12, noon to 4 p.m.

[Artist in the sun]

Something new! We get to meet in the basement! Will there be ghosts? Demons? Echos? Spiders? Scary florescent lighting? We’ll see. (Well, I won’t see because I’ll be in Rhode Island at a wedding. Sorry. — David St.)

Sat., June 12, noon to 4 p.m., MCBA basement!

If you can’t find us in the MCBA building, ask the friendly person working in the MCBA bookstore. This is an open studio — all are welcome.

Minnesota Center for Book Arts
(Just down the street from Big Brain Comics)
1011 Washington Ave S, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone: 612-215-2520

Future Sat. Open Studios:
July 3 – Bindery
August 14 – Flexi Space

Union of Concerned Scientists feature Andy Singer!

Conspirator Andy Singer’s work was just featured as the cartoon of the month in the Union of Concerned Scientists’ e-newsletter “The Pulse.”  Check it out HERE.  Congratulations, Andy!  And way to make a valuable statement about kinds of pollution we often overlook in the summertime, but shouldn’t.  On a related note, how excited are you to try Nice Ride MN, Minneapolis?  The program starts on Thursday.  Read all about it HERE.

If you like this, you might also enjoy the Union of Concerned Scientists’ annual wall calendar which includes 12 editorial cartoons and has featured the artwork of Kevin Cannon in its 2009 and 2010 publications.  Find “Science Idol: The Scientific Integrity Editorial Cartoon Contest” cartoons and purchasing information on the UCSUSA website HERE.