Monthly Archives: April 2010

April 2010 Cartoonist Conspiracy SF Comic Jams

Hey all,

This is your monthly reminder for the April Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco meet ups, so mark your calendars.

April 8, 2010 (second Thursday)
April 29, 2010. (last Thursday)

– There are multiple birthdays this month so maybe one/some of the recipients will lead the comic jam for us.
– John C talked about changing what Thursdays we meet to make it less confusing, maybe say every other Thursday instead. We can discuss it at the meeting.

When; The SECOND and LAST Thursday of the Month

Time: 6:30pm to 10pm
note: The café will not be making coffee drinks after 9pm since they need to clean-up the equipment, but we can stay and draw.

Borderland Cafe
870 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 970-6998

Ex Novo Libris: Book 2: The Invention of the Microscope: Part IV: Farewell, L’il Blue

At long last, I have finished the tenth installment to my sci-fi/parody/slapstick/horror/gothic/fantasy/philosophy/satire epic … and it clocks in at 49 pages.

This one is about the end of the world, so if you haven’t read any of the previous issues you may want to, to fully enjoy the horror.

Ex Novo Libris Part 10

Lotta words in this. Wordy McWorderson over here. Ah, the forgiving nature of comics. Hopefully.

This is the second-to-last book of the entire series, so now – perhaps – I am finally around Zander Cannon’s place in his book, if it’s true that he only needs one more story to finish his epic. Hmmm!