1-28-10 Meeting for the first time at the Borderlands Cafe on Valencia St. San Francisco we created the below comic. Since the café is connected with the Borderlands Books next door they have .50 Sci-Fi and Fantasy novels that acted as inspiration for our comic jam. Each one of us picked a book or two and then we would draw the first panel of a panel-by-panel comic jam by borrowing from the cover illustration. From there on we passed the pages around with each artist continuing the story till about half way where we order all the stray pages and numbered them. Then we just had to make them all conect up somehow. While it was hard to connect up the pages, the end result is very cool. A big shout out to Doc Pop who had the idea for the Jam and to Mike Hale drew our amazing cover illustration.
A big thank you to Alan Beatts and the staff at the Boarderlands Café for making us so welcome. It’s a great place to go and draw so why not stop by and check it out. They don’t have wi-fi, so bring your sketchbook or a good book to read and enjoy the relaxing setting.
The CCSF meets on the Second and Last Thurusday of each month, currently at the Borderlands Cafe. Check back here to the blog to check up on upcoming events through out the year including the Cam-Jam at the Cartoon Art Museum next month.
click on the cover below to read the book on the issuu.com website.