Artists wanted

John Rogers — amusing blogger and professional writer (in comics: “Blue Beetle,” “Zombie Tales,” on TV: “Leverage” and “Jackie Chan Adventures,” in the movies: “Transformers,” “Catwoman,” “The Core”) — is looking for some help. Here’s the post:

Artists Wanted

Yes, I’m about to do something magnificently stupid. In preparation, if you’re a comic artist looking to do a 6-8 page story that might turn into something more, let’s see some links in the comments. Individual artists, studios, what have you. And tell your friends.

[Note: Please go over to John’s blog and leave your info there.]

One thought on “Artists wanted

  1. Hi John. My name is Lance Ward. I am indeed interested in participating. Check out my serious website or my strange humorous comics at or you can e-mail me at

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