BRITT AAMODT, author of the up-coming ‘SUPERHEROES, STRIP ARTISTS, and TALKING ANIMALS’ book about MN cartoonists sends along the following last-minuteish opportunity for a comic art show:
  “The Elk River Area Arts Alliance wants to put on a short comic art show from OCTOBER 25th-31st to introduce the local public and artist members to MN cartoonists and comic art. They’re looking for 42 pieces (or less). Whatever you can put together that’s framed–this includes re-using your LUTEFISK SUSHI D art submission, if necessary.
  (Also–The ERAA will be accepting comic art–for the first time this year–in their national juried art show, Arts In Harmony. Nick Post is putting up the $500 Best Sequential Art Award.)”
   If you want to participate please bring ONE FRAMED work (with your contact info and any sale price written on the back) to DIAMONDS COFFEE SHOP on MONDAY, OCTOBER 18th at 8pm. Britt will collect all art then and be responsible fot it’s transport to Elk River. The ERAA will handle the rest.
If you cannot make the OCTOBER 18th meet-up still but want to participate, please contact DANNO KLONOWSKI–staplegenius at yahoo daht cahm–to arrange getting the art in his hands ahead of time.
Let’s show the northern suburbs we mean business!