In the eighth episode host DANNO KLONOWSKI hands over the podcast to ANDY STURDEVANT and the SALON SALOON panel from MIX 2011. Danno is a guest along with CORINNE MUCHA, LENA CHANDHOK, and JOHN PORCELLINO with music by ANDREW CONNOR and the ACBs.  Ok, so Lutefisk Sushi’s prime directive is broken since Danno and Andy are the only MN artists in this episode, but I defy you to name another podcast out there that ends with a group of cartoonists singing “OH, YOKOâ€!   Thank you to Salon Saloon, Andy, Corinne, Lena, John and Sarah Morean for such a great time!
Also–Andy will bring up a PowerPoint that was going during the show multiple times, and while I don’t have the complete presentation, you can see the superb opening credits, Danno’s images, and a sample image of Corinne, Lena, and John’s work here:
The Lutefisk Sushi Podcast is sponsored by the INTERNATIONAL CARTOONIST CONSPIRACY, the ALTERED ESTHETICS GALLERY, and the NORDEAST COMICS SUMMIT. The Lutefisk Sushi podcast is a STAPLEGENIUS.COM(cast) production.