MicroCon Wants Your Posters!

Our good friends at the Midwest Comic Book Association (organizers of FallCon and MicroCon) are looking for lots of people to make posters for MicroCon 2009. What fun! Here is the scoop:

Hello Everyone!

The new year is upon us and the mighty MCBA is gearing up! Initial preperations are under way for both MicroCon & FallCon so we thought it would be a good time to send out this special request! 

Over the years, we’ve had many dedicated creators that have generously volunteered their creative super powers to help promote and enhance MCBA events. A perfect example was last years awesome MCBA FallCon Sketch Card promotion. The positive feedback from that effort was nothing short of spectacular and given that success and the many more recent requests that we’ve received from our creative community, we thought it would be a good idea to offer a new volunteer opportunity for creators to get involved.

Every year, for MicroCon and FallCon we distribute about 15,000 flyers & 150 posters into local/regional comic book stores, libraries, book stores, community centers, music stores, night clubs, tattoo parlors, etc. Once again, this year we’ll not only be following that pattern, but expanding it significantly. That’s where you come in…

In response to many comic book folk requests, we’d like to officially invite anyone of you would like to do a flyer for MicroCon 2009 to participate. Generally speaking, we’re looking to distribute flyers promoting MicroCon that are designed and created by the people who make the comic book media magic happen. All flyers & posters donated will be distributed and everyone is welcome to participate! Here’s the particulars…

All flyers should probably include the following:

* MicroCon Comic Book Party
* Sunday April 26, 2009
* 10AM to 4PM
* Minnesota State Fairgrounds
  1621 Randall Avenue
  St. Paul, MN 55108
* Tickets available at the door! $7.00 per person. Children 9 & Under FREE!
  Get $1.00 Off Admission with a canned food shelf donation!
* MCBA logo (e-mail us for a high res copy)
* Some sort of call to action!
* For More Info: email MNCBA at aol.com (replace the at with an @)   www.MNCBA.com   612-237-1801
* Creator acknowledgement. Your name & website and/or contact info

Other elements of interest:

* Over 60 Comic Book Creators in Attendance! 
* Huge Comic Book Marketplace!
* Door Prizes & Prize Drawings!
* Gigantic MCBA Grab Bags to the First 500 Attendees!
* Free Parking!

Format notes:

* Flyers will be printed in black & white (8.5″ X 11″). Posters in color (11″ X 17″).
* High res Jpegs are preferred.

Creative notes:

We are not 100% committed to a specific style or content, format, layout or presentation. We encourage you to design and implement a concept of your own creation and that you’re happy with! If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to e-mail us!


The sooner the better! We’re planning to send out our first wave of flyers on January 31st, 2009

Please submit to:

MNCBA at aol.com (replace the at with an @)

So there you have it! Thanks in advance to those of you who will be participating and  for those of you who can’t or are unable, please remember this is strictly a volunteer thing and it ain’t no thang!

Thanks! Hope to hear from you soon!

Midwest Comic Book Association Volunteers   

Local comic book artist extraordinaire Christopher Jones is involved in a way cool event! Seriously, take the time to check this out!



For those of you who like to plan way in advance, here’s the 2009 MCBA event dates & times.


Sunday April 26, 2009 – 10AM to 4PM

Minnesota State Fairgrounds

1265 Snelling Ave

Saint Paul, MN. 55108


Saturday & Sunday, October 10 & 11, 2009 – 10AM to 5PM Both Days

Minnesota State Fairgrounds

1265 Snelling Ave

Saint Paul, MN. 55108


Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, comments or concerns!


MNCBA at aol.com (replace the at with an @)  




Comic Art Fans


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