Category Archive

The following is a list of all entries from the Submissions category.

The Just Add Ink Submission That Wasn’t From Tall Sean Lynch

All the submissions are in… except for this wonderful one from Sean Lynch. Click the image below to read more about it and see it larger.

Filling both sides of the page

If you’ve read the submission guidelines, you know that the pages you submit should be double-sided. But what if your comic just isn’t that long? What if you have a large empty space on the back of the page, and not enough content to fill it? Well, there are plenty of useful and creative ways to fill space. Here are a few ideas to help you brainstorm.

  • Serving suggestions. Lots of recipes end with tips on presentation, food and drink pairings, and other ways to enhance the overall appeal of a dish.
  • Sign your name with Froot Loops.
  • Draw, paint, or photograph the end result of your recipe…especially if it’s a recipe for disaster.
  • Include a photo of yourself hard at work on your comic.
  • Share a funny anecdote or a happy memory you have about food or comics
  • Ingredient substitutions. If you know of an easy way to adapt your recipe for special diets (eg, dairy free, vegan, sugar free), make it known.
  • Draw/write about the art tools you used to create your comic.
  • Draw/write about the drink that kept you going while you created your comic.
  • Nutritional info. Is your paper a good source of fiber? Do you use gluten-free ink? Tell readers about it.

Of course, there are endless possibilities. Feel free to use or adapt any of the ideas I’ve posted here, and comment if you have other ideas you’d like to share. Happy comicking!

The first submission to ‘Just Add Ink’ is IN!

Today I was at the gallery getting ready for Friday’s Event when our friend Maxeem Konrardy walked in and said “Hi… I’m here to drop off my ‘Just Add Ink’ Submission?”

At which point I squealed loudly and ran to get my camera. That I happened to be present at such a perfect moment was very exciting. At least… I made a big disruptive commotion about it.

Max holds up his stack of submissions.

Just Add Ink - Max Konrardy

Max placing his submissions in our official ‘Just Add Ink’ submission drop-off box with help from Ae’s Assistant Gallery Director Amanda…

Just Add Ink - Max Konrardy

And a very, very sneaky peak at Max’s submission. That’s all you get!!!

I was able to talk  to Max a bit about his process. Printing on 28# paper as we recommend (for durability) is of course a bit more pricey than regular paper or glossy. Though mini-grants are available to help cover some of the costs, we are trying to work on discounts with some local printers for you too. (More information on that will be posted as it comes. We’ll try to get that info for you ASAP. ) Max decided to go full color so of course that increased the cost a bit too. But a smooth process overall, was the impression I received.

Thanks Max for dropping off your submission in such a timely and awesome manner. This totally made my night.


I hope everybody else has fun getting your submissions for the project together. We’ve heard a few rumors that some artists will be screen printing their submissions, and we think that would be SO NEAT. We’re very very excited to see what the future holds for the guts of the book!

Happy Creating!


(P.S. go Max! They look awesome!!)