Category Archives: Minneapolis

little funny series II: Deadline July 22nd

little funny series II is intended as a prominent “sideshow” to the Lutefisk Sushi Volume D project. little funny is a series of mini-comics sold in an old cigarette vending machine at Altered Esthetics. The first series was compiled in conjunction with the BIG FUNNY show in 2009, and it is almost sold out… it is time to restock the machine.

No entries will be rejected provided they follow the specs (these comics need to be a specific size to fit inside the boxes in the vending machine). You do not have to be a Minnesota artist to participate.

You can view pictures of little funny series I here.

You can see what the vending machine looks like here.

Additionally, we have a limited number of vending slots available for people who would like to vend a non-little funny comics project from the machine. All projects will need to fit in a 3” x 2” x 1” box. Email tonytudisco (at) for more information on this opportunity.


  1. Email us at webmaster (at) for an issue number. little funny is an ongoing numbered series. Make sure to put your number on your comic. If you choose to do multiple issues, you’ll need a number for each different issue.
  2. Draw your comic. Make sure to sign your work and include your contact info on it.
  3. Make 50 or more copies of your comic. The only requirements for the comic are that it fit in the 3” x 2” x 1” box, and that it have the title little funny and the issue number on the cover. You can get the little funny logo here, if you are inclined to use it. A template is available, but is not required. One double-sided copy of the template makes three copies of a 10-page accordion style micro-comic with two covers (or, alternately, 3 different issues).
  4. We request a minimum of 50 copies of each comic submitted. More is great and much appreciated. You can send us as many as you wish. Drop off or mail your copies here:ALTERED ESTHETICS
    1224 Quincy St NE
    Minneapolis, MN 55413

    In addition to the comics please include your name, address, phone number and email address.



  • Each participant will receive one vending box of minis… how many minis are included in a box will depend on our level of participation. No box will contain all of the minis. Each participant will be responsible for picking up their box some time during the month of the show, or for making special arrangements if they can not attend.
  • Participants names will also appear on the Lutefisk Sushi Volume D website as being a part of the little funny show.
  • These comics can be by a single artist or be collaborative.
  • You can do as many issues as you wish… if you want to do more than one, just ask us for another number.
  • Comics may be color, or black and white, or on colored paper, or decorated with glitter glue, or painted or whatever the hell you want to do as long as they fit in the box.
  • Two complete sets of all the comics will be kept for the Conspiracy archives.
  • All proceeds from the comics will go to support the gallery, Altered Esthetics, which is a non-profit, community and artist centered gallery. You can read more about AE here.
  • Submissions will not be returned.

St. Paul Cartoonist Conspiracy Jam! This Thursday, May 20th, 2010!

Join the St. Paul Cartoonist Conspiracy Cell and create a jam comic at Cahoots Coffee! This newish space provides us with not only a spacious room in the back of the shop, but also they have tasty mediterranean food for sale!

The jamming is easy and it’s a fun time! Just bring some drawing utensils, an idea for the jam, and a few bucks to get a tasty beverage or some chow — don’t forget to tip, the baristas really do appreciate that!

The jam will start promptly at 6:30 and run until 10:30 at the latest. Come earlier to reserve your space! Seating can be limited at times!

The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results will be posted here at some date yet to be determined.

To join us come to:
Cahoots Coffee
1562 Selby Ave
St Paul, MN 55104
(Southeast corner of Snelling and Selby)

More not than often we head on over to grab a brew at:
O’Gara’s Bar and Grill
164 Snelling Ave N
St. Paul, MN 55104
(Right next to Cahoots!)

Bus info here.

Hope to see you there!

Why This is Looking to be the Best Year Ever to Be a Minnesota Cartoonist

There is a lot of evidence piling up that this will be the best year ever to be a Minnesota cartoonist! Open your calendar now and write yourself down some dates…

I’ve heard rumor of some other things as well. Get ready to be busy and have a lot of fun.

Graphic Novel & Comic Book Writing and Illustrating Conference June 19th in Minneapolis

Our friends at The Loft Literary Center (along with the Hennepin County Library) are putting on “The Graphic Novel & Comic Book Writing and Illustrating Conference” June 19th. The event is free but registration is limited. Registration opens May 22nd. Presenters will include Gene Yang, Barbara Schultz, Zander Cannon, Robin Schwartzman, Lars Martinson, Jude Nutter and Linda E. Davis. Also, the Cartoonist Conspiracy will be having a special jam at the end of the conference, open to anyone who wants to participate, as always.


Mpls. Sat. Open Studio, May 15, noon to 4 p.m.

[Artist isn't there]

Okay. So the scheduled Open Studio happens to fall right on top of SpringCon. That means attendance will probably be light. And that means not so much talking! Fewer distractions mean that you will probably be able to get a lot of work done on your Lutefisk Sushi submission! Nice.

Sat., May 15, noon to 4 p.m., MCBA FlexiSpace (metal tables)

If you can’t find us in the MCBA building, ask the friendly person working in the MCBA bookstore. This is an open studio — all are welcome.

Minnesota Center for Book Arts
(Just down the street from Big Brain Comics)
1011 Washington Ave S, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone: 612-215-2520

Future Sat. Open Studios:
June 12: Print Studio (basement)
July 3 – Bindery
August 14 – Flexi Space

SPRINGCON is THIS WEEKEND in the TWIN CITIES! (May 15th and 16th)

The Midwest Comic Book Association’s Springcon event is this weekend, and you won’t want to miss it. They decided to do Fallcon in the Spring this year… it will be all weekend long at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. Our friends at the MCBA know how to put on one hell of a fun and friendly convention… you won’t want to miss it.


Here is a promotional chicklet I made you can put on your site, social network, or whatever it is you kids do with these things these days to help promote good things…

We could use some additional Conspiracy volunteers to hang out at our space over the weekend. If you can help out please email me at:

Hope to see you there!

St. Paul Cartoonist Conspiracy Jam! This Thursday, March 18th, 2010!

Join the St. Paul Cartoonist Conspiracy Cell and create a jam comic at our NEW MEETING PLACE, Cahoots Coffee! This NEW VENUE provides us with not only a spacious room in the back of the shop, but also they have tasty mediterranean food for sale!

The jamming is easy and it’s a fun time! Just bring some drawing utensils, an idea for the jam, and a few bucks to get a tasty beverage or some chow — don’t forget to tip, the baristas really do appreciate that!

The jam will start promptly at 6:30 and run until 10:30 at the latest. Come earlier to reserve your space! Seating can be limited at times!

The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results will be posted here at some date yet to be determined.

To join us come to:
Cahoots Coffee
1562 Selby Ave
St Paul, MN 55104
(Southeast corner of Snelling and Selby)

More not than often we head on over to grab a brew at:
O’Gara’s Bar and Grill
164 Snelling Ave N
St. Paul, MN 55104
(Right next to Cahoots!)

Bus info here.

Hope to see you there!

St. Paul Cartoonist Conspiracy Jam! This Thursday, February 18th, 2010! NEW VENUE!

Join the St. Paul Cartoonist Conspiracy Cell and create a jam comic! This week we are trying a NEW VENUE, as our usual spot is being remodeled. The jamming is easy and it’s a fun time! Just bring some drawing utensils, an idea for the jam, and a few bucks to get a tasty beverage — the baristas really do appreciate that.

The jam will start promptly at 6:30 and run until…whenever. Come earlier to reserve your space! Seating can be limited at times!

The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are posted here sooner rather than later.

To join us come to:
Cahoots Coffee
1562 Selby Ave
St Paul, MN 55104
(Southeast corner of Snelling and Selby)

More not than often we head on over to grab a brew at:
O’Gara’s Bar and Grill
164 Snelling Ave N
St. Paul, MN 55104
(Right next to Cahoots!)

Bus info here.

Hope to see you there!

Shared Studio Space Available NOW!

Cartoonist Steve Robbin is looking for a studio mate to share a 200 sq. foot studio at Sevens Square Center for the Arts in Minneapolis.  The space would be incredibly cheap to share — probably $100-$150.

Anyone interested in splitting the space with Steve should contact him at

Stevens Square Center for the Arts, for reference, has hosted the Twin Cities Zinefest for the past several years.

Mpls. Sat. Open Studio, Feb. 13, noon to 4 p.m.

[Snowbound artist]

Take a break from shoveling show and join us at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts for cartooning and chit-chat.

Saturday, February 13, from noon to 4 p.m., MCBA Bindery (high tables)

If you can’t find us in the MCBA building, ask the friendly person working in the MCBA bookstore. This is an open studio — all are welcome. BYO hot chocolate.

Minnesota Center for Book Arts
(Just down the street from Big Brain Comics)
1011 Washington Ave S, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone: 612-215-2520

Future Sat. Open Studios:
March 20 in the Bindery (the high tables)
April 24 in the Bindery (the high tables)